Thank you very much for your truly kind words, my dear Mr. Nickdfresh. You know, I always liked those forgotten projects, and I am assuring you that numerous artistic renderings regarding some absolutely magnificent American projects are also in my artistic repository. They will be presented on our distinguished web-site as well – you have my word of honor.
And, no my dear Mr. Burp – actually Mr. Stalin was only constantly overanxious, and obsessed with security, but otherwise not insane. For example, he directly ordered unswerving embracement and incorporation of several truly talented, but habitually neglected German constructors, into common Socialist Defence System. Here is, for example, an quite forgotten example:
Skrzhinsky-Wiesske VTP - 1
Herr Wiesske actually was a former fighter pilot of the Luftwaffe, but that was not an impassable obstacle for his engineering activation during the DDR epoch. I do have somewhere in my library even the article about him and his charming little concept, which was revived in early nineties, this time as a helicopter design submitted by the Phillip Morris Design Prize winner, Herr Alex Faller (Reaktionshubschrauber).
Quite a mean and lively little coop Soviet-German thing, don’t you think so?
Well, that’s all for today. In the meantime, as always – all the best!