'Seelowe' training - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

'Seelowe' training

As part of the training for Operation 'Sea Lion', German military test a modified barge while rehearsing the landing of a captured Renault R-35. Northern France, 1940.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-armored-forces-vehicles/44571/'seelowe'-training

Hard to tell what is going on in this pic, but there seems to be a definite lack of enthusiasm which seemed instep with the Kriegsmarineā€™s overall attitude towards Sealionā€¦

If I recall correctly this particular type of landing barge was one of the quicker to unload.

Run up on beach, open bow doors, build ramp from bridging pieces by hand and drive vehicle off. Some required timber ramps to be built before the vehicles could be offloaded (half hour to construct, in a sea swell and while under fire) real good idea.