Seems we're popular again.

Just signed on, and found 23 banned spambots trying their luck again, plus a couple of other ones that signed up back in October 2012. They got the hammer. Wonder if they’re after Pensioner’s checks or something… :slight_smile:

There were about ten on when I logged in a few minutes ago…

22 right now, but not a single one un-banned.

About that on now. I don’t know if this is just something the spam-handlers do regularly to probe and see if the bans are temporary or not?

Certainly could be, all of the unbanned I encountered were from that bunch last October (rutmine, and Fixmycheck) finally sticking their heads up.

I just banned about 15 spammer user-ID’s that had registered around the end of October last year and were evidently missed in our rapid banning sprees. I think whatever they are, they’re probing for unbanned spammer profiles that had been missed. I’m not sure if they can start a thread anyways, though. They seem to just hang for a while…

They’re most likely bots that are just trying to post but it’s not working. I’m deleting all banned users that have no posts as we speak.

Taking a while…there are quite a few! I’ve deleted 10k already…started at 22,257. Also upgraded to the latest version.

All done. I deleted 15,473 banned users and 1 IP address. I also compressed some files to make browsing on the forum faster.

Definitely feels faster.

I’m not sure if I’m the only one, but I seem to be having some sort of script problem where the site looks alternately normal, then like its 1996 again… :slight_smile:

Agreed, Very odd. At first I though we’d been hacked again…

Let me fix that…probably have to flush the cache. I think it was caused by the upgrade yesterday.

seems better, but not yet fully fixed.

All fixed for me. Do a hard refresh (ctrl+f5, not just f5) in your browser.

Seems to have done the trick for me…

*Meh. Actually, still a bit ticky, especially after cleaning the cache…

There was also a major Java update today for security breaches on browsers…

How’s this?

My browser still alternates between the normal site and the old school site that looks like its having script problems, even after cache rebooting and cleaning…

Same here, sometimes one thing, sometimes the other.

I reset everything…hopefully this will do the trick!

How about now?