Semovente da 105/25 - Italian Forces | Gallery

Semovente da 105/25

A few of these semoventi made the Germans to pass bad quarters of hours during the fighitings around Rome in september 1943. After the armistice the most were put in service in the German forces, being many destroyed in the last attempt to close the brick in the Gothic line around Bologna in april 1945. DVX DVX

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Called "Bassotto".

A total of 91 Semovente DA 105/25s were produced. It was considered to be the best Italian assault gun/tank destroyer built during the war. After the Italian armistice in 1943, 26 were confiscated and issued to the German 336th Infantry Division and the 26th Panzer Division of Army Group C. As late as December, 1944, 66 were still on the strength of Army Groups C and F in Italy and the Balkans.