Serious Issues with Erwin.

im the only who thinks that’s a freak? :shock:

the ass pic is nasty :?

For that picture he has been awarded his first warning.
After that, he removed the picture and made public apologies.

BDL wrote:
Why lock the topic without letting me reply?

There’s nothing offensive about the picture or what’s written below it - if we’re allowing Swastikas and Hammer and Sickle, surely we can allow a picture of military memoribillia (especially since this is a military memoribillia site).

Please don’t lock this topic after you have replied Erwin, allow me to have my reply first please.

OK,you replied.

we allow swastikas and hammer and sickle because this is a ww2forum,but this isn’t a forum about 1982’s war.And that war is more recent (1982),so it can be easy took offensive,specially such tipe of sign.

btw,we don0t allow swastikas in signatures.

STRANGE THAT arkantos wasnt cautioned for his signature - but then Erwin is on his side! and Fartantos didnt ever post in ww2?

There are no Argentine soldiers in mine, thus claims it is humiliating are absurd, I might have broken int tears at the sight of RM’s with their hands in the air!

(oh no hang on I have two hairy dangly things between my legs and can maintain a stiff upper lip depsite the horror of such crippling images!!!)

I never did something against arkantos,yes,but i never did something against flash,the new british,this is equal.


I dont give a monkeys You gave me a warning for an identical signature to fartantoss, how is that fair, Im not FLASH am I?


talk with stoat man,bluff :twisted:

You really are a sad little child aren’t you Erwin.

You don’t even realise what little credibilty you had, as a moderator, has completey evaporated.

It is a sign of your age and immaturity that you have not grasped that leadership, be it of a section of men in battle or as a moderator on a website is all about earning respect and trust.

We have a saying in the British Army “Obiedience is required, Respect is earnt”

You have done nothing to earn that respect, you have done nothing to maintain the respect that all on this site, if you read past posts, gave you at the start of your time as a moderator. You have eroded it rather than built on it.

If I was you Erwin, I would keep quiet, and start working hard to rebuild the bridges that have been smashed, not only by yourself, but in the main by IrishDuck and Arkantos.

If you do not your attempts at moderation will always be compromised. There are people on this site, who you choose to ride rough shod over.

You have deleted and edited posts on your whim because they didn’t suit you. Yet these men have proven time and again that they are intelligent and knowledgable. They have proven that if you present them with facts they will believe what you say.

If I was you Erwin, I would take a good long look in a mirror.

Be a man.

Oi, dude seriously LEAVE Erwin alone, you said Erwin should be more responsible and earn his respect well i suggest you do the same because you cant talk at all…you were the one that posted peoples arse’s and pictures of a freaky guy staring at the Camera, if theres anyone that acts immature it’ll be you.
I know Erwin mate, and he’s a good guy and we dont want to make this site putting people down or huge arguements because we dont agree with someone, and i know you can be a good bloke to 1000ydstare i have seen it, so PLEASE buddy lets just have peace ?!

If you want peace, why bump an argument from a week ago back up?

I understand your point but really chill on the insults…what purpose is this serving. Does nothing but make the mods and admins notice you and think your a dick. Trust me ive been around the site long enough…that last thing you ever want to be labeled is another IRONMAN. So you said your peace and chill with that.

There’s a lot of confusion about this now, both on my part and on the part of other site members.

A sticky was put up, warning all users that posts relating to the HMS Invincible were banned and users doing so would be warned, which was then uprated to banned. Erwin then started a thread on the Invinvible, which looked pretty much like a response to the sticky. Banning Erwin was discussed here, but no conclusion was reached. That thread has now disappeared.

I’m not seeking to get anyone banned / warned etc here. I can fully appreciate that Erwin may have immediately apologised by PM etc. A (brief) public explanation would be very useful. As it stands, the precedent has been set that a temporary ban on a subject can be ignored. After all, last time a topic was banned the penalty for ignoring the ban was never enforced so why should next time be any different. This will make all our jobs as mods much harder. Explanation will stop such a precedent being set.

Crab to be,as i know,you are at the contrary side to me.
mods don’t take sides,that’s why i decided to be a normal member.

If you will continue going against me,and ignoring the trolls of britain,i will request the end of your moderator capacity to the admin of phpBB,to fw190pilot and to ww2admin.

also i guess that fw190pilot already explained why he deleted the rule.
it was a rule unilateral and autoritary which only affected the argentines,because the british don’t want to talk about the invincible.

also,that of banning by naming the “invincible” is autoritary.

but fw who is a responsable person finally decided so well.
you are puting in doubt the capacity of decition of our staff,when being wanting to have your own site politics.

and i think you have to send apologizes to me,by putting me in this embarassing situation.

no offense taken i hope (as i took when you posted this).

I think you may have missed the point. I wasn’t saying that you should be banned - if I wanted that, I would have posted as much on the (now deleted) thread asking if you should be banned.

What I wanted was a brief explanation for all site members why, after committing an offence that carried the penalty of banning, you weren’t banned. I even suggested a reason why this may be the case.

In case I wasn’t clear enough here is the reason why I wanted a public explanation:
As it stands, a site member has committed an offence that carries banning as the penalty. He has not been banned.

Unless this is explained, the next time a mod threatens to ban someone they will be ignored as the threat will be an apparently empty one.

the admins of the mod with banning capacity ban.
if they see that they were wrong,they can remove the banning.

and if the members cry or do that.ignore them,because mindless posts aren’t useful for us.

end of discussion.

the banning finished.

the same can happen with other person.

The banning or lack thereof isn’t what bugs me.

Until there is an explanation on the apparently selective enforcement of rules, then the credibility of the rules is in doubt.
A threat was made and not carried out. Future threats will therefore be ignored, which is no good for anyone. A brief explanation, possibly along the lines of
‘I spoke to Erwin by PM, he apologised, said he was angry, yadda yadda, I’m happy he won’t do it again so the ban is lifted’

is needed and everyone is happy as we can see why the decision not to ban you was made.

It’s important that the rules are not just applied fairly (which I don’t doubt), but that they are seen to be applied fairly.

you are making public a private message,saying that i said i was angry and that i sent it.


[quote=“Erwin Schätzer(argentina)”]

you are making public a private message,saying that i said i was angry and that i sent it.

a WARNING[/quote]
Get a grip!

  1. You can’t issue warnings.
  2. That wasn’t the contents of a private message, and it is a malicious liar to imply that it is.
  3. You obviously have not understood ANYTHING I have typed in this thread.

I thought you were actually a reasonable person Erwin, with a brief lapse over recent discussions about the Falklands. Please stop trying to change that opinion.

Ok everyone chill out. FW and I decided to withdraw the rule after talking to Erwin about it. So because the rule isn’t a rule anymore, Erwin’s ban is no longer in effect.

Thanks PKW. Would you also be able to post words to a similar effect in a public area so that non-mods can read it too. It will help to clear up the confusion.