[Share] Amazing Native populance exploit in WW2

I came across these few stories on the net and I would like to share them with you. In return, perhaps you can share with me what you have heard or read regarding the Native people military contributions in WW2? Thank you.

Quoted directly - American Indians:
“I rmb reading a story how this American Indian fella joined the US Army go Germany, but he never talk to anyone in his unit. But at night, he would sneak out solo with just a knife, and return in the morning with a collection of the ears of German soldiers. And he would do that every single night.”

Quoted directly - Borneo Headhunters:
“Closer to home, you have the Borneo Headhuners. The Natives would spread around the plateau in Sarawak and they hunt down 1,500 Japanese soldiers with only primitive weapons. Japs soldiers never knew what hit them.”

Note: I am creating this discussion along the line of the “Grandparent’s/Parent’s Military Profession/Occupation During WW2” thread and since if it “personal-anecdote” heavy content, no verifications or sources would be necessary. Personally I think this is a part of our military history that has been repeatedly overlook and under covered, therefore I understand that documentations are rare and few in between. If you feel compelled to prove the validity of your sharing, to prevent accusations of you being a troll or a Cool Story Bro, you are free to share your sources, links, photos, videos or even written statements if that pleases you. Have a nice day!

Attribution links please. Where are you sourcing these quotes?

The Native Indian story is a verbal recount.

The source for the Borneo adventure: triple-double-u.pbs.org/wnet/secrets/episodes/the-airmen-and-the-headhunters-watch-the-full-episode/499/

So what story have you got for this thread Nick? I’ll be sorely disappointed if you don’t have anything to share.

Member Scott, You provide little information on a vague subject. The answers you get can only be as good as your questions. If you wish to continue in this thread, do please be clear, and specific in your questions, as well as citations of source authority. The lack of which along with the last line of your previous post, would give reasonable cause to think you may be a troll. And Trolls have a difficult time finding a date.

Since 1992 to 2000 i spent lot of time with a friend of mine, an Oglala Lakota from Kyle, SD (Pine Ridge Indian Reservation) and his family. I used to spend over there my summer vacations, while he used to come to Italy in winter or spring. The oldest brother of his wife, Joseph Little White Man, during the WW2, was in Italy with the 88th US Infantry Division, that was part of the General Clarke 5th Army. He fought fierce battles in the attempt to break through the Gothic Line. He lost his right arm about the end of September 1944, few kilometers from Bologna.
I don’t know if he did some amazing exploits, but the first and only time i saw him i had the feeling he was a brave and wise man.

There’s this legend of a native American soldier who spread terror among the German troops during the battle of Hurtgenforest.
He was supposed to act on his own as well (reportedly confirmed by US POWs), cutting throats of sentries who were found dead in their foxholes the next morning.
The Germans eventually managed to kill him after they set up double guards at night, the story goes that “the Indian” was armed with a traditional knife and a captured German G43 rifle, including notches for every killed enemy. Allegedly he was buried in one grave together with his last “victim”.
After all no one knows if this anecdote really happened…

I sincerely and humbly apologize for any misunderstanding, that is absolutely not part of my agenda of being here. I’m attempting to kick start a session of frank sharing, to the best of my ability, on a section of war history I personally find interesting and entertaining.

Unfortunately, Forum Member Nickdfresh shed some light of doubt on my stories which I find unnecessary. If he finds my stories disreputable and dubious, and if he is honestly seeking for the original sources of my content, he could have asked so politely and tactfully. I sensed nothing cordial but instead, the remarks he gave were rather scurrilous and sarcastic.

It could be my sensitivity which led me getting all defensive. If Nickdfresh meant well in the first place, I once again would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any unpleasant and uncomfortable situation.

For now, I would like the discussion to head back to the original topic and I hope I have close this “troll” accusation here and now. Thank you.

I was neither shedding a light of doubt nor belief on your posts. I was only asking that you cite any work you’re quoting, and I did so as a mod, not a member…

Hi Forum Mod Nickdfresh,

  1. All the sources where my stories are derived from, has already been cited to the best of my knowledge.

  2. If you think my links are insufficient, I am sorry as there is nothing much I can do. The nature of this thread is mostly hearsay and pass-it-on legends.

  3. If you still insist that I cite any work I’m quoting, I will try to track down Mr Red Indian and Mr Borneo Headhunter and get a written statement from them. Perhaps a video interview if you so prefer?

  4. I would greatly appreciate it if you don’t hijack my thread time and again. All I want is a good old sharing of stories and I would like to seek your cooperation in not veering this discussion away from the topic at hand.

  5. The Personal Messaging function is there for a reason. As a Mod, you should know this very well. Please feel free to contact me via the appropriate channel if you have any message that is not relevant to the topic matter.

Thank you.

That hasn’t happened.

That hasn’t happened.

Mods are here for a reason, too. This board operates according to its rules and customs, not yours.

The mods decide how to contact you. You were contacted by the appropriate channel.

It would a very good idea for you as a new and unnecessarily pugnacious member with all of five posts to take note of tankgeezer’s last post.

It would be an even better idea if you didn’t repeat your past conduct and choose to dispute what I have said to you as a mod, because trolls will not be tolerated here.

Dear “Scott”,

You seem to have a rather interesting persecution complex and a greatly elevated sense of self-importance. So, please consider the following quite carefully. You are not that important, I am not that important. Your topic isn’t really that important. Therefore, I was merely explaining my previous post to you since you seem to be one that is a bit hypersensitive and takes offense at the slightest comment directed at him in “his” ultra-important thread. However, there is a consideration due to the site owner regarding issues such as copyright infringement that average posters such as yourself don’t have to consider and seem rather callous too, which is why I originally asked for a citation in case you were lifting this from a book. So, simply stating respectfully that you’re simply recounting an anecdote you’ve heard would suffice as opposed to an angry, self-righteous blab . I would suggest that it is you that is trolling and thread-jacking with the unprovoked belligerence expounded to lengths way out-of-line with the original post you’re responding too. This is especially grave considering that you have less than five posts here and share an internet proxy used by forum spammers–therefore–I suggest you should indeed be a bit less bibulous in your post towards me or any other forum member. Consider this a formal warning. If you’re here to start pissing contests based on perceived slights, go elsewhere…

Quote by Scott:“I sincerely and humbly apologize for any misunderstanding, that is absolutely not part of my agenda of being here. I’m attempting to kick start a session of frank sharing, to the best of my ability, on a section of war history I personally find interesting and entertaining.”

I knew you were gonna say that…