Sherman or Firefly - British Forces | Gallery

Sherman or Firefly

The Sherman Firefly was a World War II British variant of the Sherman tank, fitted with the powerful British 17 pounder anti-tank gun as its main weapon. Originally conceived as a stopgap until future British tank designs came into service, the Sherman Firefly became the most common vehicle with the 17 pounder in World War II. Three different variants of Sherman Firefly served during the Second World War, each based on different variants of the M4 Sherman. The Firefly conversion was carried out on Sherman I (M4), Sherman I Hybrid (M4 Composite) and Sherman V (M4A4) tanks. Some sources state that several Sherman IIs (M4A1) were converted and used in action, but photos allegedly showing these conversions are in fact views of the front half of Sherman I Hybrid Fireflies (source : Wikipedia) Thanks to our friends at read the whole article on :

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Firefly with one of the official camouflage techniques.

Counter shading on the end section of barrel with a false muzzle brake part way along.