Ships torpedoed - Italian Forces | Gallery

Ships torpedoed

The profiles of the ships (warships, cargos and oil tankers) torpedoed on the fin of a torpedo bomber S.79 of Italian Regia Aeronautica. The black numbers over the fin indicate maximum take off weight and (CU-carico utile) payload. Victor Sierra

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In war the identification’s mistakes are normal. Many years ago old torpedo bomber’s aircraft told to me their missions against the British convoys: few minutes in hell. Same history for fighter pilots. In that conditions it’s normal a blunder, for Italians, British, Americans and all other pilots of the world. Reading an history, looking at photos seating in our armchair, in front at our computer it easy to forget the ambiance and the horror of a combat in land, in sky or in the sea. The function of WW2 in color, I think, it is also to remember, by means of pictures, the uselessness and the blind brutality of the war. Thank for your comments. Best regards. Victor Sierra

Here is described the action, six Italian planes destroyed, it is also named a British aircraft carrier (HMS Ark Royal?), Damaged the Nelson and two merchant ships sunk. In a newspaper the results of the attack are: sinking of three cruisers and two steamers, damaged Nelson, an aircraft carrier, six cruisers and a destroyer.
Translation with Google translate :slight_smile: