Should England play cricket with....

Should England be playing international cricket with Zimbabwe?

That’s a question being chucked about by the media at the moment.

The wider question, of course, is should any country be inter-acting with any despotic regime in any way?

Most of the world trades with America and Russia and especially China, and America supports Pakstan while Russia supports Iran and China is busy destroying its own dissenters and trying to buy support from states like Zimbabwe, so I don’t see why Zimbabwe should be singled out in a fair world.

But the world isn’t fair, and Zimbabwe just happens to be a bad place which doesn’t have anything major nations need, except a focus for hypocritical moralising.

So, in your opinion, should they play?


Not that it matters if they don’t play.

Zimbabwe ain’t South Africa and this isn’t the 1970’s, and Mugabe couldn’t give a stuff about international, or any other, opinion. He’s too busy buggering his country.