Should I reply?

I got this email from this Russian sheila tonight and I’m wondering if I should reply.

She has two really big things going for her.

The two really big things going for her are those picture frames in the background. I badly need two new picture frames.

But that’s not all.

She says ‘I do the business with a smile.’ Is that a big plus or what?

Also, she’s down on Russian men, so Egorka and Chevan don’t have a chance, and she’ll pay for everything.

I might have been happier with her best friend Tamara, who can’t hear or speak which makes her half way to being the ideal wife. The not speaking part. Not being able to hear ruins it, as she can’t hear me when I call for another beer or need food or want the lawn mowed or the tractor repaired.

She says some men drink alcohol very much, but she doesn’t comment on it so maybe she’ll be fine trying to grow cabbages in my backyard after she’s cleared out all the beer cans.

Should I reply to her or not, after getting this beautiful letter from this Slavic lovely?

You can vote for more than one option. I would.

Hello my new friend.
What’s your name?
I search for the Love.
I’m young and modern therefore I use the help of the Internet.
I have found your profile in a global network… It’s great:)!
I with pleasure write to you the letter.
Well, my name is Elena I live in great city Saint-Petersburg in Russia.
I have lovely parents. They live near with Saint-Petersburg.
I the favourite daughter of the parents. They love me most of all in a life. It’s great.
I studied at university.
I finished it 7 years ago. After university I have started out an independent life.
I very sincere and sociable woman therefore I have a lot of friends.
We like to spend time cheerfully.I like to smile. I love the sun. My friends joking have nicknamed me “a smile of the sun”. I easily find common language with people.
I trust in the good future.
You like optimistical people?
What do you think about it?
As any normal person I have work.
I work in an advertising department of brewing company " Baltic "
I do the business with a smile. I love my work. I am able to work. I am able to do money.
I have perspective ideas. I the big expert in advertising activity and in management of the organizations.
I rent an apartment in the city not far from my work.
Well, I can long tell about smiles, about the sun, about work, about leisure and hobbies.
I shall not do it. I wish to tell you about " a another side of my life "
It may seem that I have everything to live happily but it is not so!
Of course I have a success with men. I have many admirers. I know that I beautiful and clever.
I communicated with many men. It was interesting but I did not love them. I loved only one man but he has deceived me. Since then I do not trust Russian men.Also In past time I see my friends not often. They are borrowed on work.
They have found the family happiness. I am sincerely glad for them.
As for me I have problems with finding a boyfriend and love of all my life.
Many of them lie and don’t hold his word.
Some men drink alcohol very much.Some men want to date with me but I don’t like them, the men I would like to date with are already married or have serious relationship with other women! That is terrible!
I do not represent the life without the favourite person.
It not a life this existence.
I am lonely in an environment of friends. I do not have not enough person to which I would give all love.
I am disappointed in the country. I do not trust Russian men.I not badly speak in English that is why I decided to search all over the English speaking world :):):slight_smile: I do believe that it is possible to meet my special one on internet! Many women met their soulmates abroad and they are very happy with them. Why not?!?!
For example my girlfriend Tamara find her husband on internet in five year ago.
The most interesting in that that she cannot hear and speak.
He too.
As a result of accident she became the invalid. She my best girlfriend.
She move to Australia and they have happy family. She write to me letter often.
She invites me to Australia for a long time.
Well, what else to tell you about me?!
My parents have good money. My earned payment too not small.
I can pay for all life expenses.
And I will not ask you help me with money. I know many stories about it.
If you will write to me more, you will understand, that I am not such woman!
I need serious relationship, I don’t want to have a penpal. I have much love to give and I need somebody loves me also.
I don’t want to ask you many questions, just write me about yourself as I did. And of course feel free to ask questions! I hope, you can send me your MSN address and we will talk, when I will have time. I will like to see you photo with each letter.
Write to me on my e-mail [email address deleted as I don’t want anyone else muscling in on my girl] Have a nice day!

Sincerely Elena.

Definately YES :smiley:

Are you nuts? Has not your lawyer experience tought you anything?
Obviously NO.

Okay, so far it’s 50/50.

But my lawyer experience tells me I can get away with it. :smiley:

Ach nein… what sticky buisness…

Well, sticky business was sort of what I was hoping for … :smiley:

Thou Shall Not Contact Russian Bride To Order

How about just taking her on a trial run? :wink:

Somehow, I doubt that that is your “lawyer experience” talking…:slight_smile:

But I think every Russian girl I’ve ever met (four or five) has been a delightful little slice of heaven to talk too…

So far as the sheila in my email is concerned, I wasn’t focusing on talking to her.

Once I’ve got those picture frames, I’m off. :smiley:

Okay, but it was some kind of experience.

Or maybe the kind of experience I’d like to have.

Pathetic, really, as apart from the picture frames there’s nothing special about her.:frowning:

If you intend to have a trial run,… be sure you run after you try her :wink:

I can live with that, as long as I don’t end up with anything being runny for days after the trial. :wink:

well, first of all you should demand some more pics from her - but ones where she is naked. :wink: if she really replies with that, she means the business serious.


The old mail order bride scam, There were some fellahs here that got some, and in a year or so, they had to a woman, divorced and cleared out, taking their new green cards, and half their husbands fortunes with them… On to the next victim.
You would be wiser to fly to Vegas, rent a lady for the week, or two or three, or ten, play the tables, and enjoy. then they all leave, you leave, and if you’re a good gamesman, you’ll have enough dosh to buy some quite elegant picture frames…

Where on earth did she get your email address from?

yr wife will kill you…thats wat i mean in sticky…

Probably the same place that phishers for bank and credit card numbers and floggers of Viagra and all the other spam got it.

At least I’ve finally been sent a spam email about something I could use. :wink:

You mean she’s not genuine? :shock:

And she seemed like such a nice girl, if a bit plain and overly made up, but make-up has only recently reached Russia so you can’t blame her. :smiley:

And I do need those picture frames. :wink:

Shes could be just a RisingSun*-o-phile who got a photo from google images…:slight_smile:
also they have rather nice frames at the 99cent store…