Should we award some medals?

I forgot that this thread existed but it’s coming up to time to do some awards. Or not.

Should we award some gongs?

I’ve seen some WWII sites which make American and, even worse, Russian fruit salad seem restrained. They give gongs just for logging on successfully while more or less awake.

We could, of course, award ourselves a VC and Bar (or Congressional Medal of Honour x 2) which I am sure we all richly deserve for something or other, but will it help the site if we bestow glory upon the lesser beings who inhabit it?

Okay by me, and maybe one for scholastic excellence to the Saskatoon Troll immersion school.

I suppose it is tradition…

Maybe a military forum version of a Darwin Award?

Awarded for the dipshit most determined to destroy himself in as few posts as possible?

The Golden Plonker award…

IIRC medals were always awarded sometimes in autumn.
But we sure need to think about who’s worthy.

I’m about to award Typoshitty that very medal! :mad:

BTW, check her(!) out here:

I’ve been watching that thread, and gave them both a nudge for wandering so far afield. Follows:

Mssr’s Kurt, and Typokitty, This thread deals with Rudolph Hess’ flight to England, not Israel, or Pearl Harbor. From now on, you will both confine your comments to that subject. Any further wandering in this thread will bring swift attention.

I’m on vacation, so I’m in a Jovial mood… Having Thai food, and hanging with my kids… I think we should add a Barbwire Cluster to the Golden Plonker.

Oh boy… :rolleyes:

That explains a lot, especially the fondness for conspiracy theories.

Thats just a side effect of water supply fluoridation, and chem trails… :slight_smile:

Ha! :smiley: I think you mean Contrails! They’re spraying us you know. :-?

All good conspiracies hold that the beginning was when the Buster Brown shoe company installed fluoroscopic shoe fitting machines in the 50’s , giving their patrons a healthy glow… Chem trails, Harp, and ManBearPig are just the latest process for the enslavement of mankind by the Tri Lateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, and Barney. :wink:

I always tried to encourage the members to recommend others for medals. Just thought it was a good way to keep ppl involved. Maybe recommend a few and see if you can restart the trend.

More importantly, where the hell have you been? :smiley:

If any images need to be put on the server, just let me know.

Got captured by Indians!

They were nice enough to finally move me into the tepee with a computer.

Being newly ascended, I dont know the drill to the awards thing, but I would recommend Schuultz, he’s been on for awhile, and seems a right fellah. The Good Conduct, or all 'round good posting award would do.

Uyraell certainly deserves something, good thing he’s back.