Should WW2 games be played?

I have really been thinking about this question, and I just wanted to ask you guys: do you think WW2 games should be played? I am asking this because I have played WW2 games for years (ever since the first “Medal Of Honor”), but recently, I began to wonder: should people enjoy playing video games about the most destructive war in history that cost millions of lives?
I am not trying to start a fight/debate, but this has really bothered me. Do you guys think it is disgraceful to the memory of the dead from WW2 (soldiers and civilians) by playing these video games?
Thanks and God bless.

well the awnser is yes, especially when you consider the fact that all death in the most popular ww2 games is tastefully and realistically done meaning that in a realistic ww2 game like brothers in arms you see what is a recreation of a real life event, and not just some guy mowing down hundreds of people with a machine gun rambo-style

Well, the question isn’t really about realism (to a certain extent). I was asking if we should play these games based on the facts that WW2 killed millions of people, and is it a dishoner to the people who died by playing these games.

It’s a whole load less offensive than people like this lot imho…

yeah, and i’m saying the manner in which their deaths are reflected makes it not disrespectful

Of course. Why should it be tabu if it has the dignity to not disrespect the dead? There was recently some turmoil in germany where I only shook my head, it was not about games but humour. They seriously posed the question if it was allowed to make fun of hitler, hell, if not about this idiot, whom would you make fun of. Chaplin already did that in 1940 and here the professional concerned nerds (usually politicians) raise their finger even today.
It was about this one here, btw. the german version is even more funny

But WWII-games make people interested in World War II, isn’t that a good thing?

Let’s not overdo things, like “we should empty the European continent to respect all those who fought there in WWII.” ;-D


WW2 games are great. They are after all just games and some of them may even increase guys awareness and interest in history.

These are the ones that got me interested in all kinds of Armour.

Cheers for that, only seen the German version before (and agreed, even with my bad German the German version was funnier).

It’s very funny also because he uses a special dialect in the german version - ‘bonker’ instead of bunker etc. :smiley:

I absolutely sign what Firefly said! :wink:

French version:

why not??

Mate, can you please reduce your signature a wee bit. Thanks…

It’s a game mate.

If you ban games, then you can ban films. You watch a film, you enjoy it but millions died.

If the game can be used to be educational as well as fun then let’s do it. Truthful education bits in between battles perhaps (as many programmes do) can add to the experience of a sort of war we no longer face (hopefully).

Many on this site get quite gooey over the various medals and equipment of the WW2 units, particulary the Germans for some reason, should we ban the site?

Games can help teach, as well as be fun.

Firefly is correct here. There’s nothing wrong with video games that are realistic (term loosely used) when they increase awareness and interest in history…

I agree about the games. If you want to ban games like Medal of Honor of Brothers in Arms, you may as well ban movies like Saving Private Ryan or Life is Beautiful.

To tell you the truth, I got to be interested in ww2 by playing CoD2 and 3, even though it is about the horrible war of racism and discrimination, violence, death, but in all ways, the way kids, people today learn about ww2 is by playing a game

i agree with most of you,ww2 games can be used to stir up interest about histories past!!!..i started play ww2 games like moha,cod,etc.i believe its a good thing!it’s why and how found this site,looking for people who had an interest in ww2 history.btw,love the site,especially the pic section.gj to all those who contributed!!but i also believe that it helps us remember those who have fallen to protect our freedom!!!i believe the games also help in other ways,for instance i also play americas army ops,an online game created by the u.s army as a recruiting tool , i know of several players who went on to join the armed services! that a good or bad thing!! have a different effect on us in different ways,hopefully mostly good!! just my 12 cents!!

What is it you find offensive about this lot?

Hi Folks,

it is a very interesting topic.Bwing mentioned 1000yardstare in posting 15 and i agree with him fully. So WWII is used as a background for entertainment.

We can push the question even further, should Cosims be played?
In all cosims the death of people is simulated. I did no prefer the therm wargame, because War is not a game. Why WW2? Most of the games are playing in this time what makes it so fascinating? Wars are still fought today.

If we put the political background of this greatest manmade catastrophe in the view we must stop. If we use them as tool to remind that the path between life and death on the battlefield is only a bullet wide we can carry on.

About the Cartoons of Hitler. As a German you have the feeling that the laughs are going stick in mouth when you begin to think. Sticky theme here. But when you make the beast laughable you beat him.

So i jumped around a little and go a little bit astray.

One last comment it a littlebit a political view high above: We can`t help the death but we must listen to their voices and honor them.


Well, cosims (I call em wargames) i think, used to be used to train military personel…
we can view our cosim playing as a monument to the brave people who lived-and died in the evil wich we call war.