Show Your Original WWII German Helmets

Okay Guys, Show what you have in your collections. I’ll start. here is an original No decal . No markings that I can see.

new helmet 9-19a 001.jpg

is that a ww1 helmet

im working on an paper model right now…
not to scale but you can resize… requests welcome

My Normandy Camo

normandy camo 001.jpg

Makes me envious, mike. Wish I had one/some.:frowning:

I wish i had one too.[German Helmet]

Major, I think you should put more side to your template. It will look boxy and Lego-like if you don’t have many sides on it.

It actualy looks better when you build.
but then, i should do that.

there are plenty of outfits that sell originals, as well as repro helmets. even the Luftschutz type. Prices vary, pm me if you want some addy’s. or search the net, they are there. (Back in my youthful days, a good condition pick up helmet was about $5-$10., now its more often $50, to whatever they can get.)

Well, geeze, that’s nothing!|66%3A2|65%3A3|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Okay…Another one of mine. Single decal Heer. Liner looks like there was blood. I have another I will post later with documentation and its named.

SD Helmet 001.jpg

SD Helmet 002.jpg

Okay…another camo.

new helmet 1a 017.jpg

Here is a splinter camo named to a LT. Herbert Wenzel, what I know as of 15 Nov 44 he was with Company Co, 5th Company, Field replacement battalion, 708th Volksgrenadier Division. If any historians can help add to Herbert’s history that would be great.

Edited to add: The 708th was one of several divisions that were destroyed during the Normandy breakout, operation Cobra.

splinter camo 001.jpg

splinter camo 002.jpg

splinter camo 004.jpg

Ok… here’s mine, I’ve had it since I was about 10 years old…

Very nice Staz…I’ve yet to own a SS helmet, still looking though.

Yeah, it was my pride & joy when I was a kid. Funny thing, it may have been made as a hitler youth helmet, or for the Volks Grenadiers, cos it fit me perfectly when i was younger… but now it seems tiny… maybe i just have a big head…

A lot of the German helmets are small, don’t know if that is because soldiers were getting younger at the end of the war or what. What is the history on the SS lid? Where did you get it and from who? Have you ever had the decal authenticated ? SS helmets are a mine field, lots of money to be mad with an original so unfortunately the forgers see that and there are lots of fakes on the market. Is it possible to post a good close up of the decal?

I got the helmet as I said when I was about 10 years old, so that would have been 1973/4, my Dad bought it from a reputable military memorobilia dealer (although I realise that is no vouchsafe of authenticity) & paid a lot for it… £20-… trust me, in 1973 that WAS a lot of money.

I have often wondered if it was maybe a German fireman’s helmet which had been buried in someones backyard for 6 months to age it, but in all honesty I have no proof either way.

There are some serial numbers stamped on the inside of the rim, maybe they would be of some use to correctly identify it, & it has certainly been repainted (around the SS decal)at some point, the exterior of the helmet is a dark olive green, but the interior is much darker, almost black. The leather liner has some damage to it (a hole which I always told mt school pals was a bullet hole…) there is evidence of a hole in the actual steel of the helmet itself corresponding with the hole in the liner, but the hole has been filled from the outside. Also, the leather chinstrap was just so much history when I got the helmet, & had been replaced by an elastic one.

Here’s a close up of the decal… kinda blurry I know, I took it on my cell phone. I’ll take a hopefully more in-focus one as soon as I can on a better camera & post that too.

It’s hard to imagine that fakes were already produced in the early 70’s. I am glad you gave us the information about the re-painting for the olive green kind of bothered me a bit.
P.S. Maybe you could post a photo of the left-side decall with the swastika as well.

There is no swastika decal on the left side, that was either painted over, or was never there… sorry…