Signature sizes/subjects

One thing that has been grating at me a bit for a while is the size of some people’s signatures - Nickdfresh for instance has one that is 550x387 pixels and 55KB in size. Have we got a policy on maximum size/download size and if not do we think we should have one?

The other one is that quite a number of signatures have no relevance at all to WW2 - and to be fair I’m guilty of that one as well. The one that got me thinking was k-otic’s signature which is rather obtrusive and is advertising his personal website. While there is actually some vaguely WW2 content on that site (old films) I’m rather ambivalent about the way the sig is done.


Glad to see you starting to grab the bull by the horns here!

The large sized sigs have always bothered me. Yet on the otherhand I feel its a tradeoff for having a ww2 related avatar. Which I dont wish to deter from. This does not mean that we can limit the size of the sigs at least. I guess the most problematic is the pics…yet words can take alot of space too.

Funny enough the parameters ive set in the admin control dont seem to apply or are overruled by another item. So ill have to look into this.

Im not sure how to approach the issue clearly. Pic size, word, medal, animated gifs etc… We should define some guidelines.

Of course we can just try the old tactic of just asking people to make their sigs smaller. Maybe this is best!?!?!

I have already a PM to Nick asking to reduce the size of his signature.

Animated Gifs ?

I think if they arent too big like the one of Chevan it could be used.

Animated GIFs I’d tend to control with a file size limit - say 100KB?

100 kb sounds good to me.

I get annoyed when the Sig takes up more than the post, generally. As long as it doesnt get out of control I’m all for whatever Sig anyone wants. As long as it isnt overt advertising or offensive i’m fairly easy.

By the way, does anybody object to my new sig? It’s non-WW2 related, but seems otherwise OK. As I am supposed to be setting an example I thought I ought to check it’s OK.

Your sig is not visible so…:rolleyes:

I can see it…no worries! Sigs dont have to be ww2 related. Just avatars.

I can’t see as well…

Edited: It’s very amusing situation! As soon as I have posted I was able to see it.

There’s a decent image-link (a banner?). OK with it.

…and a nice link, btw…

Cant fault the site. Nothing wrong IMO.