Site Ideas and Help

So had a small chat with ww2admin. He has been busy working and strugling with copyright issues. Since I trust all the mods here Ill just post the part of the email he was talking about.

The rank issue is being worked on! Ran into a small problem but hopefully we will get that up and running.

In general he is looking for some help and idea’s for the site. Insofar as our normal members ive started looking for the one’s we might be able to trust and use here
Trust is an important issue. There are some cool members on the site that I would not trust being a mod. I encourage you to list your strenghts in this thread. At a minimum I can refer someone that has a question to a member that is good in this area.

Anyhow any idea’s that you might have that can help improve the general site or the forum please state them.

One person that I would like to find is a gamer. Ive played lots of old games and some newer ones but the more I go along the busier I get. So not so sure how helpful I would be.

I think we have some guys that would be great in making ww2 battles sences (modeling).

Also any ideas that you might have to help the site financally would be of interest as well. I put up a thread about a T-shirt design but hasnt taken off just yet.

An member we might want to touch on is Erik. He made a pretty cool little quiz. Which is much nicer than the thread quizes we have. Check it here if you havent

Another good way to come up with ideas is looking at other forums and see what they have that works. I dont have a membership at another forum. But I have lately droped by other ones that are related to see whats up. Plus if you happen to notice something that sights are generally missing that would be great too.

So let me know what ideas you guys have! Also point out any members you think might be good at something. Including yourselves. :smiley:

It will a nice idea to create a Luftwaffe section. In that way we can study the aircrafts and pilots separately.

Another person could focus on writing or adding news item to the German military section

That would be me.

And about the modeller issue, that is very simple, make a Modellers section and we will move all the subjets in that area, there is plenty of entusiat modellers in here so there will be no problem.

It will be nice to have a section exclusively devoted to the WW1 also.

With that and the 46 pages of argentine girsl…what more you want ?

i would love to a section that talks purely on war strategy.

Other could be 2 sectiom more, one for “axis airforces” and “Allied Air Forces” instead a single section devoted to Luftwaffe.

I have tought about a board revision. But I would like to be really sure of it before it happens. I dont want it to be super long like alot of boards or having to click 20 times before you find the thread you want. But if you guys want to plan a strategy for this that great. Also keep in mind that it would be quite a bit of work and will the members like it or not. Dont mind the work so much as the opinion of the members. No reason to do loads of work just to piss ppl off and lose members. Anyhow lets think on this one! If we can come up with an organizational chart for forum revision that would be great.

Let me know how you would want to approach this. Any idea’s you have. You want to head a section of ppl or just start writing yourself?

Another option we need is a support the site feature.

I sent a PM to Erik regarding his approach to making quizzes. I see what he comes back with. Would be really cool if we could get a bunch of those going. We could play with that idea alot.

I think we need to approach this project as a suggestion for improvments to ww2admin. So a small report of such and what we forum staff members and normal members can offer/accomplish. Plus what suggestions we have to improve the main page and forum together.

have tought about a board revision. But I would like to be really sure of it before it happens. I dont want it to be super long like alot of boards or having to click 20 times before you find the thread you want. But if you guys want to plan a strategy for this that great

I dont see why it has to be problematic, it can be as simple as create a 2 new sections, one clik on that and you can read all the aviation related issues one for the allies and one for the axis, moreover I am convinced that an Aicraft section can atract more people in here because a lot of members are interesed in this matter only.

Let me know how you would want to approach this. Any idea’s you have. You want to head a section of ppl or just start writing yourself?

I can start myself, only you guys give some directives about wich kind of germany military related news we are talking about.

As FW told and alephh made a good point ( ) I think that we have to think the structure of the forum considering eventually the upcoming merger of the 2 forums. I didn’t consider anyway a merger but a taking over since they will merge with us and the entity resulted will be ww2incolor revised. We must think how would be fit their playground in the future structure of the forum.

Anyway I agree with both FW and alephh. Also with PK (“moreover I am convinced that an Aicraft section can atract more people in here because a lot of members are interesed in this matter only.” end quote)

btw, i just say this as a suggestion. some of us can make a review on world war 2 games, just find the negatives and rant on it in video

see this as example.

The reason i suggest that is because the angry nintendo nerd is now very famous, it might actually attract a lot of people to join this site.

i guess this is a bad idea, but do you guys mind saying why its such a bad idea. Thanks

I see now that the addition of an Aircraft section would be great. However im stil a bit worried about organization. I hate forums that have never ending home pages. So im totally in favor but not sure yet how I want to present it. I promise it will come.

Gamers can bring idiots. I love games myself. But just coz you played CoD doesnt mean you know fuck all about ww2. IRONMAN for example./ We should separate these ppl IMO. If the gaming section remains as is then ill be happy. However I would like an off site forum for gamers. PTL. SGT. Baker would make a great admin or mod on an off topic gaming site. Smart about ww2 and loves to play games. These are the ppl i prefer however if we buff up our gaming section then we will get less of these types of ppl im afraid.

[b]Putting this in bold to separate.

FW I want you to come up with Idea’s to improve the movie section and also see if you can do anything with books and websites. Try to improve the sections and let me know what help you need. Ponder on the art issue we discussed.

PK I sent you and email about ww2 articles ww2admin is looking for. Maybe you should pick some guys you think would make up a good team and start. You can email Nick and show the interest please include me so I know whats going on. I would suggest asking/picking a person that is good with each ww2 section. So pick your section or topic and find others that might be interested. Doesnt matter if its you alone but help would be nice.

Dani you and I need to converse on the setup of the board. Feel free to join any section your interested in. But IMO we need to think about a different organization to the board.

FF I know your busy and look forward to your input as well. However im never quite sure of your schedule. Let me know what ideas you have and where we should go.

[/b]Moderation is the key to problems. Since all you guys are great mods then we have pretty much tackled the main problems. Sorry to say all our mod problems nowadays are spam linked. For now the war against retards is over so I have to find something else to do with you guys. Since you all are good leaders (otherwise you wouldnt be here) then im asking you to take it to the site. Improve it the best you can. On forum and mainpage. Lets get something done. We are going to lead the site to a better direction…carefully though. The only thing I ask is lets be in agreement on things if you want to email ww2admin(Nick) lets make sure we all feel the same way. No need to give the man confusing and conflicting reports. K?

Oh and lastly I want to be able to reach you all by messenger. Maybe i did this before…whatever. Plz post an address that fits in to msn, yahoo or icq. Personally I have Dani on Yahoo and FW on msn. Need FF and PK so pm me if you would coz I might lose track of it here.

On a side note, ww2admin thanked me for doing such a good job with the site. Was nice. But wouldnt have happened without you guys. Thanks guys.

(and if your wondering yes ive been drinking tonight…sorry get a bit long winded) :smiley: Tests are almost over.

test is over for me, i will think of something during the holiday.

Could someone write up a FAQ with pics for me on the changing rank issue!

Dont know if anyone wants to do the above?

Seems everything is running pretty normal lately. Any problems or ideas we coud work on!

Reputation issue? Im not for this being tied into the ranking system. But if someone knows a site where this has proven to work then let me know!

Dont know if anyone wants to do the above?

On my side sorry, but no time available.

What you mean?

Changing rank by choosing British or German side?

Just a step by step how to change your rank to British, German, Future ranks to be added.

Pics would be very helpful!

Give me few days.

I’ve got a PM from 32Bravo:

Hi Dani,

any possibility of, under ‘other wars’ a topic for small wars post-WW2?

I feel that some of my comments regarding jungle warfare might be concieved as being over-critical of the American Vietnam experience, yet there is much went on in the South East Asia/Pacific area during the fifites and sixties - e.g. the French experience in Indo-China, the Dutch East-Indies and, of course the Brtis in Malaysia (Malaya, Brunie and Borneo).

What do you think?


So, what do you think?:wink:

I guess we could create a new section called smaller conflicts?! If one is extremely popular then we can create a section on it. In the future thou I think we should limit discussing other conflicts to a certain date. If the F&M poll goes thru then I say that 1982 is the closest we will come to present day. If not then 1980 sounds like a good limit.

Also like to add that not sure when I will get to this. Today maybe next week. Alot of small things you have to tweek now that we have the new ranking group. Alot of going over permissions to make sure everything is in order.