Site medals

There has been a bit of chatter regarding site medals and how they are currently real medals. Some here dont like the idea of putting up a ribbon that is a real life one.

So the poll is about new medals, specifically designed for this site.

Please state your reasons why you would, or wouldnt be prepared to use specifically designed medals.

Make that assuming that you dont already have a problem with the medal the way they are. So if youve been awarded a medal and dont wear it coz of whatever reason would you wear it if it only pertained to the site.

I don’t mind weather they are designed just for this site, its what they stand for that matters. It doesn’t matter too much what the picture is.

Personally I’d feel too much of a Walt Star, so don’t stick those I’ve been awarded in my signature block. That applies to real or site medals - I suspect most of the site readers would be unable to tell the difference.
I frankly don’t care what other people do however - this is after all the interweb, where just about anything goes.

Should they be binned then? Do they add anything? Or subtract?

They show what each user has achived so there is point to them, I quite like them as a concept.

So far as I’m concerned they just merge into the rest of the graphical crud in peoples’ signatures and get ignored by me. That’s as far as they bother me.
I personally think that the nomination system is rather too geared to giving out medals left, right and centre. One of the two I have been awarded for instance is simply for sticking around the site for a while - which seems to me rather pointless. There does also seem to be rather a tendency early on (I’ve given up paying attention of late so don’t know if it is continuing) for people to nominate their mates for medals rather than those they think deserve them. In all it leads to a medals system which I think contributes little or nothing of value and which I therefore ignore. Since I ignore it then for me it subtracts nothing and if some people find it makes them happy, fine - keep it.

Medals show achievments. Yes I would.

The site medals have worked out pretty good. Yes they are staying if you want to discuss the manor in which they are awarded then im open to that but would need to be a pretty good idea.

I think the moderators should talk about this one. Well because they organized it so we should look at it at their point of view.