Site will undergo some changes...please read

Okay, I will be moving to another city this week and will be able to focus on the site more. Here are my plans for the upgrade:

1.) Restructure the gallery. I will make new categories like RAF, SUBMARINES, MEDICS, etc.

2.) Removal of pop ups and some other annoying ads

3.)Update VIDEO section with new additions, new video formats

4.) Update site news page

5.) Add some new forum features

ANy other ideas? I plan to start doing it this week.

I’d really like a search function in the gallery.

I hope your move goes as planned mate!

section commanders like SS Tiger ( example only!) SS Tiger then under neath it has SS Commander in chief get me drift?

Section commanders are basically the mods? :?

How about the removal of any categories that are not connected to WW2?

I thought of another change, I have been on other phpBB forums and some of them have a feature that lets you know if somebody has posted whilst you have been writing your message.

This is being looked into and a few ideas have been discussed that will enable all parties involved to be stisfied, hopefully!

This is being looked into and a few ideas have been discussed that will enable all parties involved to be stisfied, hopefully![/quote]

In my opinion that tends to remove the community side of things, people have nowhere to get to know each other. Its nice to know what sort of music people are listening to and their interests and hobbies.

I also think a Photo research forum would be good as some of the color pictures in the gallery lack very detailed captions and it would be nice to have a forum where these pictures are posted and we do a bit of research and try to give them a brief but detailed caption.

That’s a great idea. That’s what I was planning to do.


That’s a great idea. That’s what I was planning to do.[/quote]

Great minds think alike!

I reckon more medals should be added don’t have any ideads yet but ya never know!

This is being looked into and a few ideas have been discussed that will enable all parties involved to be stisfied, hopefully![/quote]

That would be a good idea, it might stimulate some more objective replies on the fora if we concentrated on the subject of the site.

This is being looked into and a few ideas have been discussed that will enable all parties involved to be stisfied, hopefully![/quote]

That would be a good idea, it might stimulate some more objective replies on the fora if we concentrated on the subject of the site.[/quote]

Yes but however i think is always good to have an off topic general section. Maybe off topic militaria should go. Seems that is the most troublesome catagory anyhow.

If you don’t have “off topic” areas, then there is an almost inevitable amount of “OT” matter posted elsewhere.
IMO the two “OT” sections act as a filter & pressure valve for the rest of the site.
So long as truly contentious subjects, where both sides will NEVER agree(guess which :roll: ) are barred, then I see them in a positive light.