Some enchanted evening ... - Posters Artwork Documents | Gallery

Some enchanted evening ...

David Low cartoon satirising the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact as a cynical "tryst" between the mutually incompatible tyrranies of Hitler and Stalin. Best regards, JR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

On the surface, ideologically speaking, they did seem to be incompatible. But in reality, they were very similar individuals. Sadly, there is no other conlusion but that each of them was thrilled by killing humans by the millions, their own citizens as much as other nationals. After decades of studying history, that appears to be the bottom line for me.

If there is a hell, they should have already met their kindred kind, like Atilla the Hun and Napoleon Bonaparte. The really peculiar thing is that so many people admire these truly bloody beasts.

There is no much difference between extreme left and right.