Sonderkommando Dirlewanger - German Forces | Gallery

Sonderkommando Dirlewanger

According to the site'A vida no front :Oskar Dirlewanger,this is a rare picture of a Dirlewanger Sonderkommando.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

According to MacLean this is probably the recon platoon. On Imi’s comment the composition changes markedly in the war but there was always a cadre of SS personnel with a relatively clean record.

For example in 1940 when formed it was 94% poachers and by June 43 this was still 60%. It is less than 20% Penal troops until July 44 when the figure rises to and remains 40-45%, concentration camp inmates only really appear in July 43 and run at 35-40% until the expansion to a division when it drops to 15% and regular army troops make up 30% of the division.

Mostly einsatzgruppe members,prisoners and murderers was in the Dirlewanger SS.