~ Songs about your Country ~

I have recently had some songs given to me by Erwin about his country and they are great, I would be interested in downloading some songs from some other countries about everyone’s countries or anything to do with your country :smiley: . Or at least your favourites and the ones you highly recommend.

My high recommendations for the best well known songs about Australia are the following, download them its worth it.

Icehouse - great southern land
Men at work - I come from a land downunder ( land downunder)
Gangajang - Sounds Of Then (This Is Australia)
christine anu - my island home
Goanna - solid rock
John Williamson - Waltzing Matilda
John Williamson - Home Among The Gum Trees

I see your XXXX-drinking aussie pop music and raise you the following:

Pomp and Circumstance (Land of Hope and Glory)
Rule Brittania

and the all-time classic, the opening bars of which are guaranteed to make the belly tingle: Jerusalem

Ill see your land of hope and glory and raise it with Flower of Jockland!

I know many songs about countries other than my own - none of them usable in polite company :twisted: :wink:


¡Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado
libertad, libertad, libertad!
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas
ved el trono a la noble igualdad.

Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron
las Provincias Unidas del Sur.
Y los libres del mundo responden:
Al gran Pueblo Argentino, salud…

Y los libres del mundo responden:
Al gran Pueblo Argentino, salud…
Y los libres del mundo responden:
¡Al gran Pueblo Argentino, salud!

Sean eternos los laureles
que supimos conseguir,
que supimos conseguir:
coronados de gloria vivamos,
o juremos con gloria morir!

Hear mortals, the holy shout:
Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!.
Hear the noise of broken chains
See the throne with noble equality

Now it worthy throne is opened
the United Provinces of the south.
And the freeman of the world answer:
To the great Argentine nation, Health!

And the freeman of the world answer:
To the great Argentine nation, Health!
And the freeman of the world answer:
To the great Argentine nation, Health!

Will be eternal the laurels
that we knew how obtain…
crowned with glory we’ll live,
or we’ll swear, with glory, die!!!


Tras su manto de neblinas,
no las hemos de olvidar.
“¡Las Malvinas, Argentinas!”,
clama el viento y ruge el mar.

Ni de aquellos horizontes
nuestra enseña han de arrancar,
pues su blanco está en los montes
y en su azul se tiñe el mar.

¡Por ausente, por vencido
bajo extraño pabellón,
ningún suelo más querido;
de la patria en la extensión!

¿Quién nos habla aquí de olvido,
de renuncia, de perdón? …
¡Ningún suelo más querido,
de la patria en la extensión.

¡Rompa el manto de neblinas,
como un sol, nuestro ideal:
“Las Malvinas, Argentinas
en dominio ya inmortal”!

Y ante el sol de nuestro emblema,
pura, nítida y triunfal,
brille ¡oh Patria!, en tu diadema
la perdida perla austral.

¡Para honor de nuestro emblema
para orgullo nacional,
brille ¡oh Patria!, en tu diadema
la pérdida perla austral.

Behind her cloak of mist
We won’t forget them
“The Argentine Malvinas!”
cry out the wind, and roar the sea

From that horizons
They won’t pull up our flag,
because the white is over the hills
and with the blue the sea is dyed.

By absent? By losing?
By strange country ruling?
Never a territory more loved
by the mother country in its extension!

Who is talking here of forgetfulnes?
of resignation or forgivenes?
Never a territory more loved
by the mother country in its extension!

Brake the cloak of mist
like a sun our history:
“The Argentine Malvinas
in inmortal domine!!”

And with the sun of our emblem
purity, spotlessnes and triumphal,
let’s shine mother country, in your diadem,
the lost austral pearl!

For the honour of our emblem,
for the national pride
let’s shine, mother country, in your diadem,
the lost austral pearl!

Septiembre de (2005), Buenos Aires, Argentina. :cry:
Querido amigo:
Recibí tu carta de Italia y me alegra mucho saber que todo está bien.
Aquí la cosa sigue igual, no es tan transparente. La crisis se pasea por las calles y la tristeza del pueblo es como un barco que no llega a destino.
¡No sé que pasó! ¡No sé cómo fue! Pero no te vuelvas, te diré por qué:

Si vieras que triste que está la Argentina,
tiene la mirada de los caminantes que ya no caminan.
Se muere de pena por tanta mentira,
de tanta promesa por nadie cumplida.
Si vieras sus calles que tanto reían
ya no son las mismas.

Si vieras que triste que está la Argentina,
tiene la nostalgia de aquellos amantes que nunca se olvidan.
La hicieron de goma, parece mentira.
La gente se escapa pero no hay salida.
Y hasta los gorriones, de tanta tristeza,
se fueron de gira.

Septiembre de (2005), Buenos Aires, Argentina. :smiley:
Querido amigo:
Se me acaba de volcar el mate sobre la carta que te iba mandar, por eso te vuelvo a escribir. Me alegra mucho saber que te va bien. Aquí la cosa sigue igual, pero, de una manera u otra, vamos a salir adelante. Hay algo que no se debe perder nunca, y es la esperanza.

Si vieras que linda que está la Argentina,
tiene la mirada de la primer novia que nunca se olvida.
Desde los balcones llueven las glicinas
y a pesar de todo, camina y camina.
Si vieras de nuevo que linda y que grande que está mi Argentina.

Buenos Aires sigue llena de gorriones,
hay nuevos poetas que escriben sus tangos
y hay nuevos cantores.
Y sigue teniendo la vieja locura
que al doblar la esquina haya una aventura.
Ya ves: sigue viva y, a pesar de todo, llena de ternura.

Si acaso te encuentras con otro emigrante
decile que vuelva, que pronto seremos mejores que antes.
Que todo fue culpa de cuatro atorrantes,
que sólo lograran que el pueblo no cante
Volvé cuando quieras que juntos podremos salir adelante

September, (2005). Buenos Aires, Argentina :cry:
Dear friend:
I’ve received your letter from Italy, and I am glad to know that it’s all right. Here, all is the same… Is too dark. The crisis walks around the streets, and the sadness of the people is like a ship that it can’t arrive to destiny. I don’t know what happened, I don’t know how happened… but don’t come back, I’ll tell you why:

If you look how sad is Argentina
She has the look of that walkers who can’t walk anymore.
She’s dying of sorrow for so many lyings
so many promises by nobody realized
If you look her streets, that so many they laugh,
they are not the same

If you look how sad is Argentina
She have the nostalgia from that lovers who never are forgotten
She is destroyed, it seems a lie,
the people try to escape, but there is not an exit
Until the sparrows, for so much sadnes…
went out for trip!

September (2005), Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA! :smiley:
Dear friend:
I’ve dump my tea over the letter which I was going to send you, that’s because I restart writing. I am glad to know that is all right. Here, is all the same, but I am sure that we’ll go an advance. There is something that never should be lost, and is the Hope.

If you look how BEAUTY is now Argentina
she has the look of the first girlfriend, who never is forgotten
from the balconies rain the glycines
and though she still walking and walking
If you look again how beauty and how big is my Argentina!

Buenos Aires is still full of sparrows,
We have new poets who write their tangos,
and we have new singers.
And she has the same madness
that in all the corners there is a new adventure,
You see, she is alive, and full of tenderness!

If you meet, another emigrant
Tell him that come back, that soon we’ll be better than before.
That all was fault of four indecents
which only won the nation don’t sing
Come back whenever you want, that togheter we’ll go and advance!!!


Thanks, i have downloaded the Argentinian march song Eagle. :wink:

Anyone listened to any Australian songs i recommended ? :slight_smile:

any canadian song except the national anthem?

A moving and patriotic song from my homeland.

On Ilkley Moor Bar Tat.
Where hast tha been since I saw thee, I saw thee?
On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
Where hast tha been since I saw thee, I saw thee?
[Higher]Where hast tha been since I saw thee,
[Staccato]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Higher]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Frenzied]On I-i-i-ilkley Moor baht’a-a-a-t.

Then thee shall catch thy death of cold, death of cold.
On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
Then thee shall catch thy death of cold, death of cold.
Then thee shall catch thy death of cold,
[Staccato]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Higher]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Frenzied]On I-i-i-ilkley Moor baht’a-a-a-t.

Then we shall have to bury thee, bury thee.
On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
Then we shall have to bury thee, bury thee.
Then we shall have to bury thee,
[Staccato]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Higher]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Frenzied]On I-i-i-ilkley Moor baht’a-a-a-t.

Then worms 'l come and eat thee up, eat thee up.
On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
Then worms 'l come and eat thee up, eat thee up.
Then worms 'l come and eat thee up,
[Staccato]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Higher]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Frenzied]On I-i-i-ilkley Moor baht’a-a-a-t.

Then ducks 'l come and eat up worms, eat up worms
On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
Then ducks 'l come and eat up worms, eat up worms
Then ducks 'l come and eat up worms,
[Staccato]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Higher]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Frenzied]On I-i-i-ilkley Moor baht’a-a-a-t.

Then we shall come and eat up ducks, eat up ducks.
On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
Then we shall come and eat up ducks, eat up ducks
Then we shall come and eat up ducks,
[Staccato]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Higher]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Frenzied]On I-i-i-ilkley Moor baht’a-a-a-t.

Then we shall all have eaten thee, eaten thee.
On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
Then we shall all have eaten thee, eaten thee.
Then we shall all have eaten thee,
[Staccato]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Higher]On Ilkley Moor baht’at.
[Frenzied]On I-i-i-ilkley Moor baht’a-a-a-t.

Ah Yorkshire, God’s own country.

Eagle, your second song is about someone elses country.

Songs from Canada for FW :wink: :

Also some interesting:

You are Wrong,it is about our country,also we sing it from primary to the adult life.
It identifies us.

This is Juventus song: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ovunque giocherai
mai sola resterai
sempre al tuo fianco
in ogni citta’
combatti piu’ che puoi
conbatti insieme a noi
lotta col cuore
vinci per noi

e forza juve ale’
e forza juve ale’
tutta la curva
e’ insieme a te

e forza juve ale’
e forza juve ale’
tutta la curva
canta pet te

la la la la la la
la la la la la la
irriducibili curva nord

ovunque giochi te io faccio a botte
all’ acqua e al freddo fino a mezzanotte
ovunque giocherai
io sempre ci saro’
irriducibili finche’ vivro’!
ale’ ale’ ale’ la juve ale’…

ovunque insieme a te
canteremo per sempre
torino siamo noi
bianconeri ale’ ale’juv

You’ve outdone yourself Eagle,im Bloody happy and Proud!,Great Job!
and thank you!.

What are you talking about??

Are you trying to say that these songs aren’t argentine?

What are you talking about??

Are you trying to say that these songs aren’t argentine?[/quote]

It is pure argentinian,the song,the topic,the photos,ALL.

Eagle is posting all argentinian things here.

and btw,why that unnecesary post King_Nothing?

  1. Thread is called songs about your country
  2. Song is about Falkland Islands
  3. Falkland Islands aren’t your country or part of your country
  4. Ergo you’re posting an irrelevant song, which doesn’t fit with the context of the thread

Rest my case.

2.They are called Malvinas Islands
3.Yes they are,and im afraid you are using a wrong name again.
4.Fake,have you seen this other 3 points?,also it is a part of argentina,watch an argentine map,it has flag (blue and white with the islands shadow in the center) and anthem (the song here)
and it is argentinian.

Instead of wasting our time,post something relevant.

People, we are here to post our favourite songs about whoms country…NOT HAVE ARUGUEMENTS!!