South African Military

Please post anything you know about the South African Military under this topic. Feel free to repost anything that was posted in other topics that might help add to this one.

Quick overview, I dont have much time, I will add more later.

Right, so, the South Africans declared war on Germany and its allies on September 1939, the same time Britain and France did. They then where sent up to combat in N Africa and the Middle East. They went along the cost of west Africa to combat Itallian troops mostly by themselves. They might of done something in Madagascar, but I dont know the details. Well, the Black Watch of Britain joined and fought with a few South African Regiments. Well they fought alot of battles, mostly small, and not famous, but some of the big ones that would pop out would be Tobruk the longest siege in history I believe, and El Alamein, with a few others. After the War in N Africa ended, I think that some regiments then fought in Italy. Also alot of South Africans joined the RAF, and the British army, after the war ended. Well that basically sums it up.

Some info i gather from my book.

It appears that SA did export alot of beef to help in the war effort.

SA received 269 million dollars from the US and SA sent 1 million to the US in aid.

SA had 8681 military casualties.

SA declared war Sept 6th 1939 on Germany and Declared war 11 Feb 1942 on Siam.

And uh yea it had to find much on the internet.

From another book on the holocaust.

SA did accept Jews from Germany but passed legislation to restrict the number that could come. This was pretty common.

In 1938 The South African Miniter of Economics and Defense overheard Hitler say that “in the event of war all Jews of Europe will be killed.”

And a quote from my enclyclopedia of battles. At the 2nd battle of El alamein “on the night of Oct 23-24, under cover of an 800-gun artillery barrage, Gen. Oliver Leese’s XXX Corps (51st highland, 1st South African, 4th indian) struck west from the village of El Alamein, spearheaded by the 9th Austrailian.”

Hope some of this might help with your searchs or just be nice to know.

SA military Helmets from WW2 and some modern ones as well.

WW2 picture of Churchill and South African leader General Smuts at Wanstone.

Ill be damned if i know Which one is General Smuts maybe you can point out SAM.

Also i found a good site on South African Military Pilots and what could be a really good sig for SAM

Thnks guys, maybe if I get more time I can give you a detailed discription of some battles, I got this big hardcover book made in 1950.

Winston Churchhill is the guy in the black suit with a cigar and Im pretty sure the guy with the gotee in Gen. Smuts. Hes standing slightly infront of the rest.

Gen. Smuts is the one that you are saying. I like the Boer war history. Is this Gen. Smuts the Jan Christian Smuts oftheGreat Boer war??
Can someonetell me that?

yes , it`s gen smuts

Found this while surfin’:

and this: