Spacious accommodation ? FT-17 tank. - French Forces | Gallery

Spacious accommodation ? FT-17 tank.

First, contrary to the caption associated with this photo, this is not a British Whippet light tank and, if it is at Verdun, this is not during the calamitous campaign of 1916. The tank is a French Renault FT-17, and the crew is American, probably 1918. I include it here to give a clear indication of the light armor and extraordinarily cramped crew accommodation of this vehicle, which was still in extensive service at the beginning of WW2, mainly in France but also in many other European (not to mention Asian) armies. Survival prospects for crew in the event of the tank being hit by anything making a reasonably big "bang" were limited ... Hard to know, in the circumstances, which album to post this to. I am putting it in "French Forces", unless there are objections ... Best regards, JR.

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I’m guessing baked beans is off the menu for FT crews…