Spammers that have to be dealt with

Guys as Spamming is becoming our No 1 concern recently I have decided to open up a new topic for it.

This one is my first target

This is the second Spam by the same guy and as you see he needs a banning.

I have also deleted another Spam post this morning which was not offensive, but Spam.

The topic or post you requested does not exist

Seems that someother mod has deleted this one.

For the new “topics” opened by them, might be useful to move them into our Archive area until GS and FW will take care.

Be advised

Roger that.

For your information:
This guy have an interesting site:

Apart for the price requested (as 119 USD for 1 million e-mail addresses and 2999 USD for entire e-mail database) they make an offer for forums:

Apart from the prices requested:

  1. 600 forums - $30
  2. 2000-3000 forums - $27/1000
  3. 4000-6000 forums - $24/1000
  4. 7000-9000 forums - $21/1000
  5. 10000-13000 forums - $17/1000
  6. 14000 forums and more - $15/1000 ,
    there is a text there:
    “Практика показывает, что рассылка на 1000 форумов даёт 150 уникальных, заинтересованных в рекламируемом товаре или услуге посетителей каждый день в первую неделю после рассылки.” An Altavista traslating ( reveals “Practice shows that the distribution to 1000 forums gives 150 unique, interested in the advertised goods or the service of visitors each day in the first week after distribution.”

So, the main purpose of joining is to advertise (at least for this guy).

Well with all spam pretty much deleted and all 0 post members gone should we turn on the user activation? I think more serious member will wait for a conformation but some might be turned away. Most ppl want to respond to something they see right away. Anyhow this is my line of thinking! Any other opinion’s?

I vote we wait and see how it goes for a wee while, if the Spamming is still too much then we could turn the activation on as I agree that people often want to dive right in.

I’d vote for waiting for at least a couple of weeks. There is no hurry to wait from several hours to a max 1 day for an activation. Come on, it’s not a “conspiracy” forum but a ww2 forum.
At least this is my opinion in this moment. To wait for 1 or 2 weeks.

By the way, have anyone heard of Tiger lately?

tiger said his internet problem has prevented him from getting on the site in a consistant bases

there is a member call payperclick
we have to keep an eye on him/her

Judging by “his” website,

you should delete his account instantly… :smiley:

Well FW this sounds like a great thing for you to keep an eye on. I usually dont approve a member unless his name is ww2 related and or he fills out the location, interestes…etc that seems reasonable. So im sure that you the new accont user emails like i do so you can judge for you self and keep our 0 post count down to a minimum. Thanks

Let me know if you have a problem.

ok, i will delete his website, but i cant ban him unless i have his IP, thus he needs to post before i can do anything

ok, i will delete his website, but i cant ban him unless i have his IP, thus he needs to post before i can do anything[/quote]

No need to ban him just keep the 0 post guys down. Watch the email addresses to see if their is a pattern emerging. If you look at the ban control you will notice i banned a couple of email addresses by wildcard. Example * … everyone that had that email address was a spammer. You may or maynot find a pattern. You just might keep getting the same spammer with the same email address. Point being is that you can ban people by email address. You dont have to do it every day but it is easier to get rid of them every so often so we dont have 450 + 0 post ppl to delete.

Sirs, here’s your target for banning! :smiley:

thanks for reporting

FW did you disable admin user activation? Coz if you did it would be nice to let others know to be on guard for spammers.

i swear i didnt do anything about that

and i suspect those newcomers
i dont even have confident to go to their website in their profile for they sounds wierd to me

i swear i didnt do anything about that

and i suspect those newcomers
i dont even have confident to go to their website in their profile for they sounds wierd to me[/quote]

No matter what happened and who’s fault was, I think that it’s time to re-enable the admin user activation.

Check this dickhead: