Special purpose Panzers.

Look at this German bridge layers.
Only 20 of them were produced.

They are build on PzIVc chassis. Used by 3-rd Panzer Division.
Maximum length of bridge 56 metres.

And here another interesting design. Don’t know much about it.



More info about the bridge-laying panzers.

Brükenleger IV:

[LEFT]In accordance with an order from In 6 dated 22 February 1939, Krupp was to complete six Pz.Kpfw.IV chassis with modified superstructures fordelivery to Wa Pruef 5 for bridgelayers. Krupp Grusonwerk of Berlin completed these six Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.C chassis (Fgst.Nr.80435 to 80440) in June and July 1939.

On 14 November 1939, Krupp reported that they were completing a Versuchs-Fahrzeug plus four more already contracted and requested that Magirus take over assembly of another 16.

Brückenleger IV ausf B deploying its bridge over antitank obstacles.

On 16 January 1940, the “Brückenleger auf IV” were 9 meters long and that by the end of March Krupp was tocomplete two and Magirus 10 so that four divisions could each receive three. On 6 March 1940,
the first 20 Brueckenleger IV were to appear with trained crews by the end of April.

Krupp-Grusonwerk conipleted the additional Pz.Kpf IV Ausf.D chassis needed for these Brückenleger in February through April 1940. Ten of the chassis were delivered to Magirus, and Krupp kept 10 at Grusonwerk for mounting the bridgelaying equipment

All 20 Brueckenleger IV asuf b were completed by the end of April 1940.

In May of 1940 there was 20 Brueckenleger issued to units, and plans
to coriiplete another 60. One platoon in the 3.Panzer-Pionier-Kompanie ( armored assault enginneers) of the l., 2., 3., S., and 10.Panzer-
Divisions had been outfitted with four Brueckenleger.

Their employment in Belgium and France in May and June 1940 had not been very successful. By 3 June 1940, the decision had been made to cancel further Brueckenleger production and use the 16 chassis that this released to increase normal Pz.Kpfrv.IV production. However, even though the production series was canceled, a small nunmber of improved bridgelayers were ordered for experiments.

Krupp completed four Brueckenleger IV c inJanuary 1941.
All four Brueckenleger IV c were sent to the Eastern Front with the 3.Panzer-Division.
On 25 June 1941 those were used to span 18 meters across a river at an old bridge footing. Both wheeled and tracked vehicles of the Panzer-Division and part of a following motorized Division crossed the temporary bridge. wich was retrieved without difficulty.



wow great shot of a german specialty tank.They made many famous variants but in very few numbers.It is a testament that so few made such a large impression.

The germans designed a lot of special tanks, but those are definately less know that the so called “funny tanks” of the allies.

Sd.Kfz 251 with night vision searchlight:

The “Biwa” infrared sight (connected to weapons) with an observation range of 300 to 400 meters is still being developed. Finally in October 1944, 10 m.SPW (Sd.Kfz.251) were transferred directly to a firm for installation of “Uhu” (owl) equipment.

On 8 August 1944, the m.Schtz.Pz.Wg. (Uhu) (Sd.Kfz.251/20) was listed as being outfitted with one Fu 8 and one Fu 5 radio sets as well as a Bordsprechanlage (intercom system). As listed on 15 November 1944, the (Sd.Kfi.251120) was to be armed with an M.G.42 and an M.P.40 and outfitted with one 60 cm searchlight, one 20 cm searchlight, one BG 1251 (infrared sight), and one FG 1252 (infrared sight).60cm “red light” projector.

Six Sd.Kfz.251120 were sent by rail to Putlos, leaving on 7 March 1945, and nine Sd.Kfi.251120 were sent by rail to Bergen, also leaving on 7 March 1945. The only recorded operational employment of the “Uhu” was ordered by the Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen on 12 February 1945 with the assignment of the 1 .Kompanie/Panzer-Abteilung 10 1 of the Fuehrer-Grenadier-Division to complete company-strength troop trials.

This unit was to be issued 10 Panthers with F.G.1250 infrared sights and three Sd.Kfz.251120 with built in B.G.1251 (Uhu). On 26 March 1945, Major Woellwarth and Hauptmann Rietz reported on the action of the first company equipped with infrared sights for night combat. The infrared equipment had performed successfully without any breakdowns.

The “uhu” device was designed to be the main illuminating device for the projected “sperber” nachtkampfgruppen, night combat units equipped with panthers and Grenadiers using Stg-44 rifles with the vampyr night vision scope.

Beobachtung Gerät BG 1251 (20 cm searchlight) y Fern Gerät FG 1252, ( long distance sighting device) for the half track driver.

Would the bridge laying ones be used by Panzerpioniers?

Yes it was, re-read my post and you ll see.

Er, they were binned after use in 1940. So they couldn’t have made too much of an impression.

It looks like the Germans went for a very complex system of laying and recovering. In comparison to the latter Allied attempts. Did the bridges have to be launched with their legs down Panzer, or could they be launched flat?

Were there any specialist support vehicles that could sort the banks out prior to launching?

Er, they were binned after use in 1940. So they couldn’t have made too much of an impression.

I would say 1942, the Bruckenleger and other design called “assault ladder” panzer were used until that date in the Eastern front. Not to mention the special remote controlled demolition/mine claring vehicles used util the end of the war.

V2 Feurleitpanzer ( auf 8 ton zugkraftwagen)

In order to made the balistic missile A-4 ( also better know as the V2) less vulnerable to air and artillery attacks a mobile plataform was developed over the 8 ton half-track tractor. The vehicle not only served as towing plataform but also as control plataform and to fuel the rocket. ( the V2 need to be fueled prior to the launch)

The prototype “Feurleitpanzer” ( fire control armored vehicle) was equipped with an fully armored supestructure over a Büssing Nag BN 10 Zugkraftwagen 8 ton tractor.

Feuerleitpanzer, prototype.

The production series using and different mounting and rear “bunker” and a non armored normal driver cab over a KM 11 chassis. Since the vehcle normally was exposed to the large blast of the propelling gasses in the V2, this armored rear section was designed to deflect the heat and protect the crew.

Production vehicle

A total of 57 Feurleitpanzer were completed between march and november 1944, includng prototypes. This vehicles were operated with the Artillerie Abeitlung (mot) 485 and (mot) 836 of the Heer and the Werfer Abt 500 in the Waffen SS. Several rockets were launched against England and Belgium.

V2 control/fire room.

Despite of its mobility 3 of this vehicle were claimed as destroyed in low level attacks by USAAF fighter-bombers.

Engine: 6 cil Maybach 140 hp
Armor: 14-8 mm
Speed: 52 km/h
Weight: 11,200 kg (without V2)


Bergetiger (P)

Bergepanzer 38(t) Hetzer

Nice images, by the way reduce the size of your signature, it is huge.

thx for the interesting pictures PzK !

thx for the interesting pictures PzK !

You re welcome.

Abwurfvorrichtungen on Pz.Kpfw.1

As ordered by the General der Pioniere und Festungen ( engineers and fortifications) on 28 December 1939: Through In 6 the
liad of the army has ordered the rapid procurement of 100 Abwurfvorrichtungen (explosive charge dropping device) for Panzer units. These devices had already been developed, and were proven successful by Pionier-Battalion 38 of the 2.Panzer-Division.
From inside a buttoned-up Pz.Kpfw.1 it was possible to use this Abwurfvorrichtung, mounted on the rear deck, to drop explosive charges weighing up to 50 kilograms onto obstacles and barriers.

The device was operated by pulling a cable.

Every Panzer-Division was to be issued 10 Abwurfvorrichtungen.
These Abwurfvorrichtungen were mounted on the rear deck of Pz.Kpfrv.1 Ausf.B. In the case of Pionier-Battalion 38, a larger version was mounted of the rear of a Pz.Kpfw.II

On 4 March 1940, orders were issued to create a Panzer-Pionier-Kompanie in each Panzer-Division Organízed in accordance with K.St.N.716 (Behelf) dated 6 March 1940, each Panzer-Pionier-Kompatiie
was to have two Zerstörungszuge (destruction platoons) each with five Pz.Kpfw.1 (M.G.) (Sd.Kfz.101). Orders had already been given on 21 February 1940 to issue 11 Pz.Kpfw.1 Ausf.B to each Pionier-Battalion, one for the company commatnder and five each for the 1. and 2.Zug.

The vehicle was used in France and the desert, in later teather is was not a succes because its weak armor.

Woo,finally someone found the BergePanzers! BergePanthers were used more extensively, with tow cranes and what not. Seems like they do not like to waste their handiwork. Anyone got picture of that?

Sd.Kfz 300 Mine clearing vehicle ( second series)

On 3 April 1940 an order was placed for a 2.Serie of 100 Minenräum-Wagen. Designated by Borgward as the “B II”, it was a longer, heavier vehicle at 2.3 metric tons and powered by a larger 2.247 liter, 6-cylinder, water-cooled Borgward 6M 2.3 RTBV gasoline engine delivering 49 metric horsepower at 3300 rpm. It still had a two-speed transmission with a maximum speed of 3 km/h in first gear and 6 km/hr in 2nd. Fuel capacity was only sufficient to travel about 30 kilometers.

Kleiner Panzerbefehlwagen 1 ( small command tank) as guiding plataform for a Sd.Kfz 300 with mine rolles attached.

The walls of the hull were made out of concrete, with an armor plate added to the front to provide protection against rifle fire and fragrnents from small-caliber shells.

The “B II” could either be steered by a driver or remotely controlled by radio. Control by radio was limited to a maximum range of 2 kilometers from the command vehicle. Two Minenräum-Wagen could be steered at the same time by one comrnaiid vehicle. Up to 515 kilograms of explosives could be carried in the “B II”.

There was a 12 second delay in the detonation of the explosive charge after initiation by a radio signal. The explosion created a crater 1.5 meters deep and 5 meters across in a normal grasscovered field. A 300 kilogram charge detonated mines within a 40 meter diameter circle. Production of the 2.Serie of 100 Minenräum-Wagen began in July 1940.

Minenräum-Kompanie was expanded into Minenraeum-Abteilung 1 with two Minenraeum- Kompanie on 1 December 1940. Each Mineräum Kompanie with three platoons was organized in accordance with K.St.N.1159 dated 1 February 1941.
Minenräum-Abteilung 1 was first sent into action at the start of Operation Barbarossa, which began on 22 June 1941.

Sd.Kfz 300 second series in the Eastern front, june 1941.

The use of this vehicle was not very sucessful given its limited cross-country capabilities.

TauchpanzerIII amphibious tank
Planned for use in Sealion, later particapeted in Barbarossa.

Correct me if i am wrong, but wasn’t every German Tank ('39 upwards), not like Allied tanks (i had to say that ^^), capable of crossing rivers etc. with snorkels under water? Water prooved?

The early Panthers and the early Tigers 1 had full equipment for crossing rivers submerged ( 4,1 meters maximum deep) however the rest of the Panzers only can be partially submerged, 1 to 1,8 meters in deep.

“delivering 49 metric horsepower at 3300 rpm.”
Can someone define “metric horsepower” for me? I’ve never heard the term before.

A metric horsepower is the energy need to pick up 1 the weight of 75 kilograms 1 meter in height in one second.

A horse power (british I suppose) is the energy needed to pick up 76 kilograms the same distance and in the same amount of time.

Let say than the HP is more “powerful” than the metric horsepower. :wink: