
The website has been kind of slow since last night; I tried other websites and they come up fairly fast. Any known problem?

I Concur!..It is slow as a snail…I may even try and find another forum to join if the speed does not improve. Think what a great loss that would be!:rolleyes:

May be due to the spammers issue. The mods may be working on the server or something to that effect.

We aren’t. However, the ownership of the site has recently changed (in the past few weeks). As a result there is indeed some work going on in the background, although I am unsure on details.


Are you leaving us PDF?..Will the New owners throw you to the wolves?..Should we start a petition or something from all the members so that you stay. I hope you stay,… it wouldn’t be the same without you.:o I guess with Lehman Brother’s and Wochovia all being under new owners, it would only be a matter of time that this forumm got new owners as well. This is all a result of the falling American Economy (which is an excellent Thread I started last week, in case you haven’t noticed.

It’s true that the website is slow , i experience it even now , don’t know what is the reason for that .

All I know is that if George Eller were on the web today, it wouldn’t be so slow…instead we have…:rolleyes:

This web site is so Slow Again…as usual…is it just me, or are there others that are still experiencing this??..at times I fall asleep trying to get a comment in…it’s like a Snail, I swear…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…wake me when it opens…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:(

Sorry about that. A server upgrade is underway.


Is it just me or has the speed of the site approved again lately? It’s a real delight compared to the last couple of days!

The spammers seem to be enjoying it - I just banned one with 9 posts!

I saw that, well done. No more nude pictures of Paul Walker!

Upgrade has been completed. It takes a bit of time for the cache to build up now.