Spitfire Mk V RAAF - Australian Forces | Gallery

Spitfire Mk V RAAF

From the left. Flight Lieutenant Hall, Flt Mechanic Crombie and LAC Callaghan "Greasy Joe" standing on Spitfire Mk V "DLM Overdale".

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/australian-forces/28303/spitfire-mk-v-raaf

Nearly all RAAF Spitfire Mk V’s had the C type “universal” wing as shown here permitting different combinations of guns to be fitted. Usually flown with the “B” combination of two 20mm cannon & four .303 MG, if desired the Brownings could be removed and a total of four cannons carried. The extra cannon fitted in place of the stub fairing seen at the bottom of this photo although I have never seen a photo of this combination carried in a C wing.