Spitfire or Hurricane ? - British Forces | Gallery

Spitfire or Hurricane ?

Hi all, i wonder if anyone can settle an argument ?, i have come across this old photo of a crashed fighter on the south coast (Brighton, UK) can anybody tell what make it is, I "think" it's a Spitfire others say it's a Hurricane, (not a great photo i'm afraid) thanks in advance,

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/british-forces/34359/spitfire-or-hurricane

I think Spitfire,canopy unlike that of a Hurricane and the tail fin on a Hurricane is bigger.

Is it a typhoon? Slightly cranked wings, 2 canon in each. Exhaust stacks are set at about the middle of the engine compartment and not more towards the top. Some Typhoons had 3 bladed propellers and bubble canopies.

For a spitfire you would be looking at something like the MK XVI E ‘low back’ but the tail profile looks wrong, the exhausts stubs are in the wrong position and 3 bladed instead of 4 bladed prop. Initial thoughts are more Typhoon or Tempest.