Sport isn't what it used to be

Lucky you.

I yearn for a life. :frowning:

Anyway, fellas, the recent posts have encouraged the mods to consider awarding gongs.

My preference was for an Idi Amin approach which would give all mods everything from a MM / MC to a VC and five bars and promote us all to Field Marshal and Emperor, after which we would give brief consideration to the members for an MID or maybe just a telegram to a relative expressing the King’s regret at their loss, but the less self-centred mods have decided on what they think is a fairer approach where we will focus on the members. :wink: :smiley:

Stand by.

^I wouldn’t mind a gong instead of a medal, if your debating which. :wink:

Umm, they’re the same thing

I think he knows, :slight_smile:

You never know, it’s often hard to intone sarcasm on the internet :wink:

The site needs an official sarcasm font.

^One please. :smiley:

Gentlemen (and Ladies if present), using the awesome Mod powers invested in me I hereby declare that THE USE OF SIZE 7 RED LETTERS comprises the Official Forum Sarcasm Font™. Given the doddering old age (and incipient loss of the Ashes) suffered by some moderators, I feel this should be sufficiently obvious.

Are you ****ing serious?

Truly, a Red Letter day…


Cool stuff mates.

Oh, absolutely - I feel confident that your countrymen are yet again going to lose a competition for the cremated relics of some elderly sports equipment…

Too right, I’ve got a tenner on it so we better win!

This may come as a stunning surprise to you, when I’m being serious, but I really couldn’t give a stuff about the performance of Australian cricketers.

For the past couple of decades they have been disgustingly arrogant and ungracious in victory, but embarrassingly whining and exculpatory in defeat. They lack humility, grace, and insight.

They express and represent all the worst features of my country, and of the millions of my moronic countrymen who support them.

I’d rather see the now long gone gentlemanly acknowledgement of the winner by a handshake, and that’s the end of it. Rather than the media blizzard of emptiness by all sides.

Are you sure you’re an Australian? Not really a kiwi in disguise?

Yeah, I’m sure.

I don’t know how cricket is marketed in the UK, but down here it went to the dogs a bit over 30 years ago when Kerry Packer created his World Series Cricket for the sole purpose of making money for his television network. Ever since, it’s been marketed like a hyped-up gladiatorial contest playing to base instincts in the moronic masses and a lot of the players have lost all sense of dignity and grace.

Come strictly dancing, but with bats…

Can I agree with you and lump in our own ‘barmy army’ with your moronic masses. Sadly rugby is starting to go the same way.

Years ago, I watched a game between Wiggin, and Warrington, it was entertaining to be sure. I think it should be tried with NFL linebackers though.

That’s not rugby, that’s rugby leage <spits> real men play rugby union.