SS death squad codenamed “Silbertanne"

SS death squad codenamed “Silbertanne

From Toronto Star Newspaper

AACHEN, Germany — An 88-year-old former member of Adolf Hitler’s fanatical Waffen SS went on trial Wednesday on three counts of murder for the wartime hit-style killings of three civilians in the Netherlands.
Heinrich Boere admitted to the three killings to Dutch authorities when he was in captivity after the war but has managed to avoid prosecution for decades — first escaping from the Netherlands before he could be brought to trial, then successfully eluding the courts in Germany.
Ahead of the trial’s start in Aachen, a handful of protesters held up a pair of black banners in front of the court building that read “No peace for Nazi criminals” and “Don’t forgive, Don’t forget.”
Elisabeth Souvignier, an Aachen elementary teacher and one of the protesters said that “It has taken far too long for this case. I’m here today because I should be.”
Teun de Groot, the son of one of Boere’s victims and a co-plaintiff, told reporters inside the court that he hoped Boere would be convicted.
“I’m in a good mood and I feel like it will go to a good result.” de Groot said.
Boere faces the possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison if convicted of the 1944 killings of a bicycle-shop owner, a pharmacist and another civilian while part of an SS death squad codenamed “Silbertanne,” or “Silver Pine.”
The son of a Dutch man and German woman, Boere was 18 when he joined the SS at the end of 1940, only months after German forces had overrun his hometown of Maastricht and the rest of the Netherlands.
After fighting on the Russian front, Boere ended up back in Holland as part of “Silbertanne” — a unit of largely of Dutch SS volunteers like himself tasked with reprisal killings of their countrymen for resistance attacks on collaborators.
In statements after the war to Dutch authorities, which are expected to form the basis for the prosecution’s case, Boere detailed the killings, almost shot-by-shot.
Boere’s attorneys have declined to say how they will try to counter the confession, but could try to argue that their client was simply following orders.
“I don’t want to talk here of the defence’s strategy.” Boere’s attorney Gordon Christiansen said outside the court room.
In a 2007 interview with the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, Boere himself attempted to justify the killings, saying he was sorry for what he had done but that it was “another time, with different rules.”
The trial is currently scheduled over 13 days through December 18 but could last longer if more time is needed.

Yup, it was pretty busy around there today and the protesters weren’t all anti-Nazi only. Some photos:

Nearly 2010 and still there are living nazis to jugde, amazing.

First time I have heard of this “Silbertanne” situation. As a long time WW2 history buff it is a new one on me. Dosen’t surprise me though. Lots of stuff that went on back then between one side and the other. I just read a book called Endgame 1945 by David Stafford. Pretty good read about lots that went on at the end.

The court case was postponed once again. The accused’s attorneys succeeded in filing a petition to hand out an acoustic hearing apparatus to Boere first since he turned out to be hearing impaired and supposedly was not able to understand the charge…:rolleyes:

So why didn’t Holland try him after the war?

For the crimes as criminal acts under Dutch law or as a Dutch traitor?

How did he escape from Holland?

He was arrested by the Dutch in 1945. He managed to escape though and made it across the border to his birthplace, the German town of Eschweiler.
Dutch authorities sentenced him to death - in absentia (punishment was later change to life imprisonment). Furthermore they revoked his Dutch citizenship which is the reason the German authorities wouldn’t hand him over.

Maybe I’m missing something, but shouldn’t this have produced Dutch and international outrage about Germany protecting an undoubted war criminal on an irrelevant citizenship technicality?

After all, German war criminals were by definition German citizens (As distinct from Nazi / Nazi aligned war criminals who were drawn from all over Europe.).

Or did the Dutch fail to press their case sufficiently?

From the little presented in this thread about the history of the matter, it strikes me as rather odd that such a clear case has been allowed to drift for so long and is then suddenly reinvigorated some six decades after it should have been concluded.

I hope that there isn’t a lawyer left on the planet who thinks the Nuremberg defence could succeed. And most of all in Germany, where it went down like a lead balloon.

True, for the Nazi occupiers, but now is another time with different rules of the type which govern proper conduct in civilised societies.

I see meanwhile the accused has his own wiki article - even in the English edition. This should save me some attempts of juristic explanations.:wink:

I should mention that my reference to ‘proper conduct in civilised societies’ refers to an ideal enshrined in notions of justice as distinct from the practice of supposedly civilised, notably Western and especially Anglophone and Francophone, societies since 1945.


Fucking law!

Fucking lawyers!

They’re the only two things that stand in the way of justice. :frowning:

Here Here!! (particularly divorce lawyers) :slight_smile:

i had never heard of the silbertanne death squad until today i am also a ww2 and history buff as are 2 of my cousins and we have each read a lot about ww2 and have never noticed the various ss death squads
cheers for the info guys

as far as foreign units of the ss im not so familar with the dutch but i know the french and lativia had em one lativian earned earned a iron cross so ive heard ha ha not sure how much truth is behind it but ive heard rumors of an american pow ss unit called the george washington legion?

The existence of the American Free Corps (aka “George Washington Brigade”) was never officially confirmed.
The Silbertanne death squad can not be compared with official battle units. It was founded for assassinations on resistance members and for acts of reprisal only.

He may have comitted murder but that was a long time ago, following orders is what you have to do in the military no matter what branch, protestors need to actually learn the history beofre they make accusations.

Check previous post on Nuremburg defense.

You are wrong about “…following orders is what you have to do in the military…”
Read up on My Lai.

Do a little learning on your own.

Certain things are illegal, no matter the situation and a responsible troop has a duty to resist them.
I agree this would have been difficult in a Nazi organization.

After the defence’s petition for closing of the proceedings was turned down by the court the case was continued last Friday, November 27.
Basically Heinrich Boere reflects his life’s story and how he ended up as a Waffen-SS member. Boere- who today is a stateless person btw- lived with his family in the town of Maastricht/Southern Netherlands, quite close to the Dutch-German border. As mentioned before he’s the son of a Dutch father and a German mother.
In contrary to his strong Dutch accent Boere announced during the trial he always felt as a German. As a juvenile back in 1940, when the Third Reich conquered the Netherlands, his declared ambition was to become a German citizen. “We lived in Masstricht, I saw the recruiting posters of the SS. Two years of membership guarateed German citizenship, it said. Afterwards there was a chance to become a policeman or a public official”. Furthermore he claimed to originate from a destitute extended family. Three Dutch guilders a week his father was paid as an unemployed person, four guilders Boere could earn by the serving in the SS.
When the Germans came everything improved, he told during the interrogation. “They’re coming. There they are. Now, my boy, everything will turn to the better” he quoted his mother. Eventually he and his sister got work, even his father was employed to build bunkers at the Dutch coast. Later Boere joined the Waffen-SS division “Wiking” and served in the “Westland” regiment which contained of Dutch and Flemish volunteers. After basic training Boere was deployed on the Eastern Fron until 1943 where he allegedly never fired his rifle.

The questioning concerning the charges will be on Tuesday, December 1.

…or not. It was postponed once again.