SS' Malmedy Massacre

On December 17, 1944, near the hamlet of Baugnez on the height half-way between the town of Malmédy and Ligneuville in Belgium, elements of Waffen-SS Kampfgruppe Peiper encountered the American 285th Field Artillery Observation Battalion. After a brief battle, the Americans surrendered. About 150 of the prisoners of war were disarmed and sent to stand in a field near the crossroads. Peiper and his leading armoured units then continued their advance.

A tank pulled up, and a truck shortly thereafter. A single SS officer pulled out a pistol and shot a medical officer standing in the front row, and then shot the man standing next to the medical officer. Other soldiers joined in with machine guns. It is not known why this happened; there is no record of an order by an SS officer. While the shooting of POWs was common on the Eastern front, such incidents were rare on the Western front.

Many prisoners escaped into the nearby woods. Some 72-84 of the prisoners were killed, their bodies left on the field where they fell. An American patrol discovered the massacre that night. News of it spread quickly among Allied troops. Afterwards, the order went out: SS and Fallschirmjäger were to be shot on sight.

American forces recaptured the site where the killings took place on January 13, 1945. The bodies were recovered on January 14 - 15, 1945. The memorial at Baugnez bears the names of the murdered soldiers.

The Trial of the SS:

The SS soldiers of Kampfgruppe Peiper were captured, and in May, 1946 were put on trial for the killings, in the controversial Malmédy Massacre Trial. This was held in May-July 1946 in Dachau. The highest-ranking defendant was Sepp Dietrich. It attracted great attention because of the nature of the crime and the later disputes about the conduct of the trial, and is repeatedly brought up by the German extreme right-wing. Ten of the SS soldiers involved recieved the same sentence; Death by hanging.

Again, please don’t post other people’s work as your own.

This one is from

It’s not big & it’s not clever.

It isn´t others work it´s (like wilkypedia).

the web page is copyrighted,but the text isn´t copyrighted,so,PzKpfw VI Tiger can post it if he wants.

If he didn’t write it, it’s not his own work. Just cos it’s open-source doesn’t mean that cutting & pasting it is not plagerism. It should at least be provided with a link to the source. This is simple etiquette to the actual author(s), and avoids people reading the site thinking that it’s his work.

Some of us on here have actually posted large pieces of our own work.

If he didn’t write it, it’s not his own work. Just cos it’s open-source doesn’t mean that cutting & pasting it is not plagerism. It should at least be provided with a link to the source. This is simple etiquette to the actual author(s), and avoids people reading the site thinking that it’s his work.

Some of us on here have actually posted large pieces of our own work.[/quote]
yes,he can put the link,but,if he copied the entire work,i don´t need the link,if he puts the link,it´s his options.
the last sentence is applied to most of us,PzKpfw VI Tiger too.


It’s common manners to acknowledge other people’s work. Referencing is also required when posting material as it allows the readers to verify your source and assists them in further research.

What PzKpfw VI Tiger did was bad form.

ok,yes,he should put the link,but,he didn´t commit a crime,the last time he will put the link,ok PzKpfw?.

no more discuss and stay on topic! (words of a mod)

Ok guys, sorry, I didn’t think this would cause all hell to break loose. Here’s the link:édy_massacre, I’ll make sure to put the links in, in the future.

Well, I wasnt trying to post the work as my own, I was trying to inform other members because no such thread existed. And the link you gave, it even says Wikipedia at the top.

don´t worry,thanks for your topics,you did our forum more complete.


Off-topic: I agree with Bas’s opinion. Please issue next time: “Quoted from …”

ok,guys,lets finish this stupid fight and continue,PzKpfw VI Tiger put the link,so,there isnt nothing more to discuss.

I go away for a few weeks and they make Erwin a MOD! The world turned upside down!

Firefly, for any comment, complaint and so on regarding anybody on this forum please feel free to PM me, the other mods or to the admin.

he did change quite a lot, so give him some slack on that, will ya? :slight_smile:

Im not challenging it, just commenting on it. I have been away, and before I went away things were obviously diffrent. May be a good idea though, Ive seen it before, give someone some responsibility and they turn out diffrent.

shut up LADY!!!. you don´t want fight with a mod.

and i don´t know what you have against me,but pm me!,and we will talk about this.

Back on topic, the Western allies were not blameless in shooting prisoners either - it’s just that we won & investigated some of the worst excesses of the SS, who were renowned for it. See Max Hastings, Armageddon, p. 241-2, p.499, p558.

“…A massacre like that at Malmédy is brutal only because it is larger, or calculated to provoke terror”(Hastings, op cit, p.242)

The Russians, of course, disposed of German POWs on a large scale, as did the Germans with the Russians.

The problem with the Malmedy case was the handling of it by the prosecutors. Several SS prisoners had apparently the confessions beaten out of them and were shown in court with bruises. There was apparently a tremendous pressure on both the prosecution as on the judge to make political statement. The case was rerun later and even though there were several death sentences in the original case, nobody was executed and nobody served a life term.
It is possible that guilty parties got away, but the way the first trial was handled was blatantly against US military court regulations that a revising board didn’t have a choice. Unfortunately this result is often used by Neo-Nazi groups to show that it all was a conspiracy from Jewish circles (because several of the prosecuting staff were Jewish). Almost all websites I could find were clearly revisionist Neo-Nazi stuff, with which I don’t bother.


As an aside does anyone know if there were prosecutions from atrocities carried out at the beginning of the war, Im thinking of summary executions of UK troops in the North of France etc?