SS-Standartenführer Gunter d’Alquen - German Forces | Gallery

SS-Standartenführer Gunter d’Alquen

SS-Standartenführer Gunter d’Alquen (1910-1998), head of the Waffen-SS propaganda section. Joined the NSDAP at the age of 17, he became chief editor of the SS magazine "Das schwarze Korps" (the black corps). In 1955 he was sentenced to a high fine by a Nuremburg denazification trial furthermore he lost all pension claims and was deprived of all civic rights for three years. Until his death D'Alquen claimed he had no knowledge of Nazis' genocide plans. (Bundesarchiv Bild 101III-Theil-008-01)

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As Chief Editor their is NO WAY he did not know. He would have had almost full access to all SS units and compounds.