
Hey, I need know information on Stalin and what he actually did to his people and country. I need to know good things he did and bad things. Try to find the most detailed sites, and It would be best if it is mostly in the WW2 period but his whole rigime would be the best. Tnx.

Your comments on the following sites.

The fellow on that site wrote a paper on the genocide Stalin instilled on the people of the Ukraine. It looks to be pretty accurate and he includes a bibliography too, so you could probably check out some more resources. Hope that helped some.

yes that has helped alot.

Any more on Stalin?

Hmm… I know very much about Stalin, but all url’s I can give you - only on russian language… Maybe if you’ll ask direct questions, I can answer you…

Is it true when the war started that Stalin had a mental breakdown and refused to talk to anyone for days? Also what is your general opinion of Stalin?

Is it true when the war started that Stalin had a mental breakdown and refused to talk to anyone for days? Also what is your general opinion of Stalin?[/quote]

My general oppinion of Stalin, of what I have researched, is he is one of the most oppressive leaders in History. He has no regard for his people, only for himself and industrializing Russia.

Is it true when the war started that Stalin had a mental breakdown and refused to talk to anyone for days? Also what is your general opinion of Stalin?[/quote]

My general oppinion of Stalin, of what I have researched, is he is one of the most oppressive leaders in History. He has no regard for his people, only for himself and industrializing Russia.[/quote]

Thats pretty much the opinion of most Americans as well. But i am interested in know what the Russians today think of him.

Congrats on the Promotion S.A.M.

Stalin was a genius. Real genius. In reality, all Europe must build a gold statue of Hitler, because he destroy Stalins plans of liberations of Europe.
Yep. Stalin about six days was out of command. But not in the begin of war. 2 days he tried to get initiative in war. But all forces was in transit. In the first day on the landing site Soviet lost more then 4000 of planes… He understood - all his plans, and meaning of his life was lost… And he give the orders to defend and go to village to relax. In reality - Soviet Union loss the ww2. Only half of Europe was claimed. After war, Stalin reject the command of Victory Parade and said such phrase: “We loss and shited excelent war”…

There is a fine line between Genius and Insanity and I think Hitler and Stalin were both on that boarder.

No. Characters of Hitler and Stalin was different like white and black. I can recommend to you books of Robert Konkvest (Hope I right wrote the name) He wrote enough about personality of that leaders. And every compare - not in the Hitler…

Honestly I think they were both nuts. A different type of nuts but still crazy none the less. And congrats on your upcoming promotion to Sergeant Komissar Ombrok.

One more question…ive heard that some people in Russia wish that things would go back to the way they were under Stalin. What do you think?

Oh and please post a link to that book in the Site Feedback - Book Forum if you can find it.

Honestly I think they were both nuts. A different type of nuts but still crazy none the less. And congrats on your upcoming promotion to Sergeant Komissar Ombrok.

One more question…ive heard that some people in Russia wish that things would go back to the way they were under Stalin. What do you think?

Oh and please post a link to that book in the Site Feedback - Book Forum if you can find it.[/quote]

I find that hard to believe myself, I always thought that the people hated Stalin, every statue in Russia of Stalin has been torn down, exept the one in his hometown.

This brings up a whole new set of questions. Was Stalin kidding when he
constantly complained to the western Allies about starting a second front?
Why didn’t he just take the lend-lease supplies and tell the Allies to concentrate on Africa and Italy? He must have known that the invasion of France was coming in the spring of '44. If he had held back his forces temporarily against Army Group Center in early '44, that would have allowed the Germans to transfer more forces to France, and maybe stop
Eisenhower’s invasion. This would postpone another invasion for at least a year, giving Stalin time to launch Bagration while the Germans were celebrating. Zhukov, Konev, Rokossovsky, Chuikov, Eremenko and Malinovsky could have rolled through Europe in the next 18 months, and
be sipping wine in Paris by late '45.
Prehaps the reason was that his spies were keeping him informed about
the Bomb, and was worried about the American reaction to a Soviet-controlled Europe.

After unexpected attack of Hitler, Stalin lost more of professional army, and can’t conquer Eurepe witout great losses. The second front - was a trap. First of many traps to initiate new, third WW. And the Korean war was a first step to it… But Stalin died… And Korean war was finished in 2 weeks after his death…

I heard that Stalin executed or somehow killed his best Generals and Soldeirs at the beggining of war. Am I right? Or did I hear wrong from somewere.

Also I heard about this. It began in in mid 30s…

Would that possibly be link with the Great Purge, or was it just one of his minor purges?

The Great Purge of 1937. Yep. About 40.000 officers was arrested. More than 5000 was killed. But it’s a lie that was a good commanders or useful officers. They even not have a war experience. In tha time - to be a member of army - was a fashion. And many communist leaders join army and make a self-promotion. Stalin can’t afford this. And also many of arrested and killed (more than half) was members of NKVD Army. They not was a soldiers, but the inner police. In Stalin’s plan, for more effective inner police work, the NKVD must be perodically purged. BTW, the German (by the dairy of Speer) agreed that Soviet have much better HQ command. And Hitler personally agreed, that he must make a purge in his HQ before war, to kill most of haulaiters…

Well thats not exactly what I heard. They might of not been good generals or leaders, but they would of been better than the ones leading the Soviet Army in 1941-42. 200 fresh divisions where brought in to combat the German advance, they were poorly led, and they hardly made a dent.