Stalingrad Question.

Medium to difficult:

During the battle of Stalingrad, what small animal did its duty for the Soviet motherland? And specifically how?

Rats: eating German food?

I’ve heard about dog mines during Kursk.Did the Red Army used these dogs during Stalingrad also?

Certainly not, the anti-tank dogs were more like an own goal anyway.

I read the dogs remembered the smell of russian motoroil or something and attacked own tanks.

Mice ate the electric cables of tanks. I think 14th Panzer, 3rd Company ?

That must be it, Paul. I remember now, XLVIII. Panzerkorps. Only 30 tanks remained intact due to the mice, must have been during Operation Uranus.

I was never convinced but a lot of sources quote it. I have in my work career come across mice eating cables, particularly older insulation which was I think paper or card based.

Ding ding ding!

Beevor states that sedentary German tanks turned into mice nests and that they did indeed rip apart the insulation to the wiring of panzers…

The tanks were parked in barnes mostly. The commanding general of the XLVIII. Panzerkorps, Generalleutnant Ferdinand Heim, was made the scapegoat for this mess and kicked out of the Wehrmacht because of the incident.

So you’ve been reading Beevor recently as well? I do wonder about the odd thing though - particularly the claim that the German infantry were advancing at 10 km/hr on foot in the early stages of Barbarossa for any length of time…

It’s been a few months actually. I don’t recall that and probably breezed right by it, though that would be quite fast. No doubt some sort of an error…

It’s very, very fast indeed (6 mph)…

That would of course be “double time march.”

But yes, impossible under extended circumstances. But theoretically possible for short bursts. The Germans did make fantastic time in the early days of Barbarossa though. Perhaps they had to run just to keep up with the tanks, motor transport was very limited although the influx of captured French, Belgian, Polish, and God knows whose elses’ lorries may have helped …

It were special NKVD prepared mouses:)

And where is Nagan and balalaika dude?
Or don’t you can proper use a Photoshop?:slight_smile:

For this operation the private Mihail Mouse (better known with his anglophonic name Micky Mouse) received the Red Banner Order from Stalin himself.
The commisar that managed to indoctrinate the private Mihail Mouse and thefore enable the famous operation received the Herro of Soviet Union and a Nobel prise in biological science.

By the way, this is not a photoshoped image, it is a Georgian police outfit.

Dammit, I knew I forgot something!