Stalingrad questions

Is that true when the germans surround Stalingrad, the russians inside wants to surrender, but then stalin said if anyone surrenders or something, they will be dead soon if captured back agian?
is that true that stalin threaten his troops like that to protect soviet?

Im sure that was what happened, I deffinetely know that if any Russian troops surrendered and got caught, they would be killed. Also if any Russian troops retreated, they will be shot by their own men.

Joseph stalin said “In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance”

You think, what it is possible to force people so desperately to battle one order? No! In it{this} an essence of Russian character. We are very difficult for breaking psychologically. Yes it is the truth that there were " protecting armies " which shot on receded. The city of Stalingrad was a symbol of authority of Stalin. Simple soldiers understood it also. To lose Stalingrad meant to lose the country. Therefore Russian soldiers fought to death for each floor in the house.
P.S. Therefore we never would leave Stalingrad without fight!
Probably it only beautifully sounds, but it is the truth! We very kind until strongly to not anger us :). Here then to any will not seem a little! In history there are many examples on this theme. :wink:

They had many Russians to combat German soldiers hence their high losses after the war, but even if a soldier wanted to retreat or surrender they’d be shot. If I was there back then I would figure hell if I retreat I am shot might as well shoot it out have a better chance that way.

Honetly I dont see why Hitler wanted this place so bad. I know it bears the name Stalin but just coz its named after the leader of the country doesnt make it stragically important.

When the German 6th Army was finally surrounded by the Russians…Hitler still did not want to let go of Stalingrad. Which by this point was a city of rubble and held little or no value. Even when Von Manstein counter-attack came with in 30 miles of the city Hiter (aka RETARD) wouldnt let the 6th army attempt a break out. So the way I see it he condemed 200,000 of his own people to die. Moron.

But hey this worked out well for the Russians. Good thing too.

Stalingrad carried Stalin’s name. It was more important, than presence in it of various factories and the enterprises.
Though factories there too was much.
Why Stalingrad the greater preference rather than was given Leningrad? A question for reflection.

Excellent question!!! I dont understand why the Germans didnt launch a full scale assault on Leningrad either. They surrounded the city but didnt really launch an offensive against it. Plus Lenin (in my opinion) did as much for the USSR as Stalin did.

Dont know why that is???

Once again I shall repeat :). To grasp the city of Stalingrad meant to break our fighting spirit. At that time people fanatically trusted leader Joseph Stalin. When Russian soldiers ran in attack they shouted: " for Stalin!!! For the native land!! ". On the first place always there was Stalin. He was the inspirer of Russian people to a victory. In the USSR at that time Stalin = Lenin. Knowingly there is that fact, that after a victory under Stalingrad, the USSR has completely adopted the initiative in war. :wink:

actually i think invading russia is pretty stupid idea, they should concentrade on invading england first before even think of attacking russia

Hitler was a pathetic general, he made so many mistakes throughout the war that cost him that battle, and it cost him the lives of the German army. They shouldve left Russia alone, they shouldve kept the peace treaty. I think the Germans would have a much better chance in defending Germany against the Russians, instead of invading it. But it was a good thing that Hitler made these stupid mistakes.

I also heard that Hitler hated Communists, im I right?

It was the basic idea which Hitler drumed into heads German the soldier. When Germans went to attack they first of all saw the enemy not the Russian person, and a bolshevik - the communist.
Again I advise you to read through the stunned book:

That book looks really good Russian Fritz. I will have to get it.

Do you know any good sites about Stalingrad with some good pictures?

Check this:


Check this:[/quote]

You’re welcome!! :smiley:

Also check:

yes, the Germans even kill those russians who oppose Stalin (i read it from a world war 2 book)

an extremely short animate video of stalingrad;1096347;;/fileinfo.html

mmm, I dont have windows media player, and VLC cant read the file.

really? i have realplayer, window media player, VLC, neroshow time, and they can all play the video??

A quote from a German soldeir fighting in Stalingrad.

“Imagine Stalingrad eighty days and nights of hand-to-hand fighting. The streets are no longer measured in meters, but in corpses. Stalingrad is no longer a town. By day it is an enormous cloud of burning blinding smoke. It is a vast furnace lit by reflection of the flames.”