State of the Forum!

Hi Guys and Chicks, (if any),

Forum, as the name indicate, is for discussion.

Anyone saying something want a sort of a response… If no response - the whole frigging thing is a bit ridiculous…


Your humble servant,


This forum seems to have peaks and troughs, one month it can be really busy the next almost totally dead.

Actually the forum is far from that, its simply some topics atracted less interest than anothers.
Many people enter to read only , that means for informate himself.

And yes like SS Tiger said it had peaks and troughs.

For example The only Mods for this month will be…me because the others are busy in really important task.

Forums wax and wane, especially over the Summer months. Posters come and go as their interests change.

Nothing wrong with a bit of discussion on it though.

I expected that from September Forum would become more alive.
Perhaps we don’t have enough controversial and innovative topics.
Constant whipping the same topics with our Russians doesn’t help too.

Today i will try to post a few good topics about something else.



Nothing wrong with a bit of discussion on it though.

I think that is repetitive, boring and harmful, but… wathever you say.

No, I believe discussion on the subject can only have a good effect upon the site.
The only other option is to go ostrich.
Then when the head is extracted, one finds the place is deserted…

Not exactly what we’re after.

Opinions may vary. The forum is not dead, end of this senseless discution for me.

Sorry for even having this discussion. I know we still need a skin. I had hired someone to do it for me and they took my money and ran. So, I am just going to do it all myself. Right now, I’m still working on the photo gallery and should have it done next week. Also, I have been collecting lots of film footage (many never before seen) including stuff that people have sent me that they found in their attic. I also have lots of new ww2 color photos to include in the database.

After that, I’ll work on a forum skin. All I can say right now is just take a step back and wait…i’ll make the announcement when I’m ready.

Sounds interesting. The site is getting better.


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Well, for what it’s worth, the most users ever (80) were online yesterday.

That fact maybe will aswer the question of this topic. :roll:

i hope i can do whatever i can to help.
And yes, we need to think of ways to keep people in here

Here’s my take on a few things. To me it seems like when we get members who have a different view on things or don’t see eye to eye with certain people, some mod’s included they get attacked for their views. I have seen several members chassed away because views differed from theirs.
One well know former member was Ironman, he had some good post and some good views, okay maybe some of his views were a little off of what you or I think but who cares, it was fun to read his posts and everyone’s rebuttals. He got chassed off instead and there have been others.
When this forum changed to its new look, I was able to see the Admin and Mod section that is normally blocked to us non worthy. The things I read that the mod’s were saying about other long standing members reminded me of elementary school politics. It reminded me of club where you had your cool kids and the un cool kids.
Another thing I see but probably doesn’t play a big part in keeping members is your medal giving program, it’s no where near fair and equitable. It seems like they are only given to the popular kids. One member ( Ill leave unnamed) has been a member since 2005 and has over 1400 great posts but I have yet to see him named for ANY MEDAL. His posts always have great info and he knows what he’s talking about, where is his Longevity medal?? Is it some mod’s don’t like him so he is not given one? Remember answer truthfully…I read the mod section. LOL
The point here is treat everyone the way you want to be treated even if your views differ from their’s and we might keep more people. That’s my 2 cents…Ill do what i can to help.

You know Mike I agree with most of what you have said above. Sometimes though, like the man of Iron, posters just go too far.

As Mods we have a remit to carry out the owners wishes and yes, behind closed doors we may discuss actions and attitudes towards other members here.

And I agree, if you have read it, sometimes it is very childish indeed, or appears to be. I may get slated by my fellow Mods for being honest here. Anyway, feel free to PM me with any recommendations for medals for guys you feel warrant them, bearing in mind that some guys have been awarded medals and refuse to use them. Theres nothing wrong with that either.

I’ve read Ironman’s posts, and he was a classic interweb troll®. No question --a well executed, but generally unfunny troll to everyone but himself.

Hi Mike,
I bet that you had time for reading only the old posts (each thread on page 1). And I am sure that you are reffering to Erwin’s childish posts.
Note for new users:
Erwin Schatzer aka Strumptruppen (that guy ranked 1st in number of posts) was appointed a mod being CP (combat photographer) at that time.
Lacking of moderation skills conducted to 4 warnings awarded to him. After dimissal from mod status,he announced that he’ll cease to post in this forum.
End of story.

Are you reffering to MoS? (Easy to check who have over 1400 posts)
Take a look
or better, read the whole thread there. Note that most of the British users (MoS included) refused to wear their medals.

Could you PM some names which fit with your description?

Oh boy, I have been gone way to long. I have not read the MOD section since I think it is not for my eyes, but must agree with the stuff Mike M has said.

The thing of people being pushed down because of their views is not right and thus make it not fun or worth posting on the site any more.

I have not been on the site for very ong and have been busy with stuff at work.

I think a atmosphere where you do not feel that if you say something or point out how you feel and not get downgraded or pointed out as not knowing anything would be the type of thing making it worth posting.

The same topics can make it boring to post and will give the atmosphere of the same thing being talked about over and over.

The MODs can be a problem if they use their power to make members feel like they are nothing and that they do not care about the members. Now dont get me wrong I am not saying this is the case here.
