Straight from the floor..Panther Tank - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

Straight from the floor..Panther Tank

A Panther tank straight from the factory floor with its new Zimmerit coating.

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You’re right about the antennae, Ostuf W. I think the nomenclature of the radio stuff is: FuG 8, transmitting through the Sternenantenne D (that’s the 4-pronged one. The turret mounts a Stabantenne for the FuG 5, which was also the standard radio for standard tanks. However, don’t think it’s a true Sd.Kfz. 267 Befehlswagen. I think this might have been a demonstration photo at the factory. Based on the negative serial number, I still think this is possibly one of the first four or five chassis rolled out of the M.A.N factory in Jan 43.