strategy command

i try to download this game, does anyone has this game?
its world war 2 game, i love this game but i lost it recently
the game name is strategy command, thanks

i don’t know about this one,but i can recommend hearts of iron is a piece of art…

Sorry dont know much about strategy command either. However TexWiller is right…Hearts of Iron 2 rocks. There is a bit of a crash problem with it though. Hopefully there will be a patch for that soon.

i don’t know about this

Sorry FW-190 Pilot that we got so far off your subject.

But here is a link to the Hearts of Iron 2 Website. Its a real good game.

no problem, i have a good feeling that this is a good game anyways, thanks
have you guys try battlefield 1942, i love that game too :stuck_out_tongue:

There is also a WWII game website that I am making. It is called and it is under construction right now…

can you briefly introduce the game?

admin, you are really doing alot thnx! so will this new website be about a variety of games?

Does anyone have Hearts of Iron 2 besides me and im assuming TexWiller?

That kinda looks like Risk taken to the limit. Very interesting. I’ve never been into such games on the PC, but I might like to try that one.

You could say that. Its very indepth but alot of fun to play and addictive as hell. I suggest it to all people interested in WW2.

great game, simplified and has hotseat and e-mail multiplayer options, i spent many nights with friends playing… it’s somwhere around 40 mb in size as i remember

Wow ww2admin, thats a really cool site! :smiley:

Suggestion for the site tho, istead of having a seperate forum, wehn they click that, it should redirect them to these forums!