stuff I found on ebay...

Try this one if you’re looking for a good commuter vehicle, take the edge off the morning drive. :slight_smile:|39%3A1|65%3A12|240%3A1308&_trksid=p4506.c0.m245


I can’t get the link to work.

Re-sent link, works now, (or should, me not know fancy computer stuff…)

I’d bid, except:

  1. The dog doesn’t come with it.

  2. The seller won’t post it (the tank, not the dog) to Australia. :smiley:

If someone can come up with a few million bucks, we can buy enough of these to outnumber the Australian Army’s tanks.

Okay, so the Army has Abrams, but these babies could sneak up behind them like commando tanks and cut their turrets and win.

The only problem is finding people who could be bothered putting up money to take over Australia. :wink: :smiley:

I think I have some stamps to glue on the side so it’ll get through the mail, but they are surface mail, not airmail, so it’ll take a few weeks for the guy to carry it over to you.They might try if they could take the Fosters brewing company, The big Fosters can is popular here.
And the Abrams would be no match for Paul Hogan and his knife. :smiley:

On german ebay you could get yourself a nice (former NATO) support vehicle for the tank. On the other hand it would be helpful to load these Foster cans too.|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Good Lad! thinking ahead…

Oh this is America:)
I will no wonder if someone will sell the Nuclear Missles of B-2 bomber here through e-bay once again.

I’d bid for it, but I think the dog pissed on it. :smiley:

Try this one if you’re looking for a good commuter vehicle, take the edge off the morning drive

Could be handy for visiting girlfriends in a dangerous neighbourhood too.:wink:

Oh so true my friend,:slight_smile:

Or the Walker Bulldog could just wait for the M-1 to run out of petrol. It doesn’t take long. :wink:

Come comrades lets pitch in some money and conquer them aussies and rename it Wilsonland

Go ahead. You can be the infantry, and I’ll be the tank gunner.

I could be the fanatic with the sword… :mrgreen:
Too bad I dont have one…

Here is somemore neato stuff.|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318

…So I walk into one of the pawn shops on Church Street in Toronto, (There all owned by Jews for some odd reason), anyways, so one pawn shop has this pin of a swastika. Nothing special. Probably a Nazi members pin. So I ask the Jewish man how much and he say’s $400. i was wondering if this is the price one pays for something like this? Does it really cost $400 for a little pin?

I don’t exactly know about civil or party decorations but for an original military Third Reich decoration 400$ are really not much.