StuG.III Ausf.G - German Armored Forces & Vehicles | Gallery

StuG.III Ausf.G

Oberleutnant Bodo Spranz, Chef 1.Batterie/Sturmgeschütz-Brigade 237/330.Infanterie-Division/ IX.Armee-Korps/4.Armee/Heeresgruppe Mitte, with his crew and StuG III Ausf.G. (c. Mid.'43)

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Later Hauptmann (Captain) Bodo Spranz (1920-2007) was awarded the Knight’s Cross and the Oak Leaves the very same day (October 3, 1943), furthermore he was awarded the Wounded Badge in Gold, Eastern Front Medal, German Cross in Gold, General Assault Badge and four Tank Destruction Badges. As one of the most successful assault gun commanders Spranz and his crew managed to destroy 76 enemy tanks.

I would like to add a photo in a comment from time to time.Sorry to ask but how do I do that?