Sun Liren

Just did another biography. Not as detailed as my usual ones (been a busy week at work etc etc), but I think it’s decent enough to publish as a first copy :slight_smile:

He was a general in the Chinese army and played significant roles against the Japanese in China and Burma.

I have a book on Burma on-deck to be read next, so in the near future I might come back to amend Sun’s entry. In the mean time, I hope you enjoy :slight_smile:

Like I’ve said before, your biographies are amazing Tejimun, you really bring a lot of knowledge to this site by posting them. Good job :smiley:

Thanks again! :slight_smile:

My name is Temujin, though, as in Genghis Khan. Not Tejimun, which sounds more like one of the Pokemon characters :slight_smile:

Get back in yer Pokeball! :wink:

Nice bio, I didnt even know the guy existed.

And i so temujin do you have more these chinese generals bios ,post it please if you have.

I will certainly try! The problem is that it’s hard to find references to Chinese officers here in the US. The greatest source are Chinese books. While I can read Chinese, it’s hard for me to actually know which books are good, since I don’t really know of any other Chinese history enthusiasts here.

Nevertheless, they’ll get there, give me time… WW2DB is a life-long project :slight_smile:

In the mean time, hope this will hold you over a bit longer: Fresh out of the oven – just wrote this tonight! :slight_smile:

LOL :lol: Sorry :oops: I messed up there.

No big deal :slight_smile:

Good posts temujin

Oh Clausse!


Agian you Firefly every my post you must comment ,arw you spying me ,

Let we see whatever i write you replay NO put source ,look this …oh clausse :evil: ,you really angry me ,its JOKE come please continue with this i like it its funny isn it :lol: