
Definitely off topic, but I watched the Captain America movie trailer (set in WW2) and it got me to wondering. Also, with the multiple movie releases coming up and releases of these movies in the last few years, what other countries have Superheroes? Or, have Superheroes mainly been made up in the USA? You all want to let me/us know if their countries have Superheroes? Just curious, thanks.

Of course, Mr. navyson… Here in Italy, we don’t need to have recourse to Hollywood or the world of dreamland…
We have a real Superhero, in the flesh, complete with a very powerful costume! Have you never heard talking about “Captain B”? :shock: His duty is to bring back this Country to the splendours of the Roman Empire. Unlike other Superheroes, he just needs some little blue pills, in order to regain power… :oops:
If you’ll have the chance to meet him, i’m quite sure that it’s gonna be easy to recognize him by his helmet… Infact he wears, in order to protect his precious brain, a big white condom.
Best regards. :slight_smile:

Is this the Prime Minister over there?

Margaret Thatcher, a great British superhero. Other than that try 2000AD comics, British comic book heroes tend to be a bit darker. We don’t go in for the idea of a ‘pure’ hero.

The Japanese could have more comic book / cartoon superheroes than America.

Some are here

Other countries are also covered on that site

My favourite superhero is an anti-superhero: Chickenman.

Is this the Prime Minister over there?

Of course, navyson.
Deep down in Texas, have you never heard about his latest exploits? :slight_smile:
Best regards.

This is a thread about superheroes.

Not superstuds. :wink: :smiley:

Yes, they just had it on the news this AM. Paying for sex with an underage girl.:shock:
Edit: And going to trial for the offense.

He ought to be right popular in prison!:mrgreen:

Hi navyson,
i hope i’ve given to you am idea about which kind os hands control the Italians fate…:frowning: