Support for people affected by Hurricane Katrina

Just a short message of support for those affected by Hurricane Katrina. Clearly this support doesn’t quite extend to the scum shooting at the rescue helicopters and doctors, but best wishes to all the good ordinary folk in the area.

May your God look after you.

Amen to that, I still can’t believe that this happened to the United States (well I suppose that’s the con of building a metropolis in an area that it would be under 20 feet of water if a Catagory 5 Hurricane ever hit :shock:) , the savegry of people trying to survive, they are acting like a 3rd World Country down there, but they are only doing what they must to survive. With the acception of those retards shooting at the military choppers. It’s very sad, you see all these video streams and pictures on the news, and the radio and the internet. :cry:

Heart goes out to the decent people. Saw several US and other news reports saying that thiis was the worst aftermath they had ever seen to a natural disaster. Too many guns and gangs to have a safe rescue in some parts, very sad, and not in my experience indicative of USA. More like West Africa.

On another track. Why the heck is 80% of the city built below sea level.

And last point - Global warming, what global warming?

This is not meant as a flame, simply an observation…

Global Warming = Greenhouse gasses used by like, well how to put this, factories and power plants and the like emit what we call “Green House Gasses” They rise up into the atmosphere and eat away at the Ozone Layer, allowing the sun’s ultraviolet rays to shine down on our Earth at a much greater rate than normal melting the polar ice caps of Antartica and the Artic, and if nothing is done, it will put all costal cities under 10 - 20 feet of water. So think of it like this, if nothing is done, every costal city will end up like New Orleans is right now. :shock:

Yup, I think you may be right. Problem is, the biggest emitter in the World does not agree with the rest of the world, or you, go figure eh!

Really, it seems like as humans we may be the end of ourselves if that makes any sense. :?

Probably. I have heard it said we have a ten year window right now to avert it. However, the US only looks 4 years ahead. Its very sad but I think this is the beginning of the end for a lot of what we take for granted.

i have heard that it is the worst natural disaster in US history… :cry: :cry: :cry:

The Hurricane? Well if it isn’t, it’s gotta be pretty damn close.

me and my family are getting money together to send to them and clothing and food

:smiley: As am I

Im not being angry or wanting to start an arguement but when the boxing day tsunami occured killing thousands, out of everyone the USA first gave the most least of money and aid to the victims until the world gave the americans the evil eye really and they started to help a bit more. So now the tables have turned, why should we help the Americans? :?
USA is always saying how powerful and resourceful they are then they can handle this natural disaster by themselves.

The US gave the use of a carrier task force and gave aid in food, water, helicopters, vehicles and troops on the ground. So don’t give me this “they gave the least money” crap. Work out what the use of the carrier taskforce and the direct aid cost the US taxpayer first before complaining that they were slow to open their cheque book. The US was giving out aid on the ground before the UN had even drafted its statement and before it had ensconced its “observers” in their hotels. [/rant]

I just think its a pity that the US may be too proud to accept help from outside agencies that are used to dealing with events on this scale. There is a lot od disaster relief expertise out there, but will they tap into it?

The aid effort may well be infrastructure- rather than resource-limited. That means that although the US has the resources to assist, it doesn’t have the ability to deliver them to where they are needed. The most difficult part to organise must be the logistics. If the roads are gone or unable to safely bear the weight of logistics vehicles then airlift must take up the slack. Helicopters and aircraft don’t run on air. These need to be supported by more engineering and logistics assets than to transport the equivalent mass of aid by road. Despite the initial chaos, it does look like Lt-Gen. Honore is getting a grip of his part of the relief effort.

Edited to add:
I’m sure there are lots of small teams who can advise. What is likely to be most useful to the US is knowledge and experience rather than money, manpower and equipment.

The US gave the use of a carrier task force and gave aid in food, water, helicopters, vehicles and troops on the ground. So don’t give me this “they gave the least money” crap. Work out what the use of the carrier taskforce and the direct aid cost the US taxpayer first before complaining that they were slow to open their cheque book. The US was giving out aid on the ground before the UN had even drafted its statement and before it had ensconced its “observers” in their hotels. [/rant][/quote]

I very much have, i was in Bali when it happened on holidays and watched the news for hours on end, germany japan and australia were infact the countries that gave the most money in the first place and usa gave hardly anything, then the usa got accused and IT was only THEN they started to help more and more.

Some people say the airlifting of white people in new orleans instead of blacks is a racial thing, they could be right…
A black man on T.V news was saying how the USA cant even look after its owne country and isnt so great after all.
This has obivously upset all the black generations thoughout america.

That was Kanye West, he’s a black rapper and he made this big statement that whenever you see a black family on TV they’re always looting, but you see white people on their roofs with their SOS signs. And then he has to go into this whole big thing about how President Bush doesn’t care about African Americans. :roll:

whenever you see a black family on TV they’re always looting, but you see white people on their roofs with their SOS signs

Is this the general perception? What I mean is are the Black perceived to be more lawless and the whites more calm and community spirited?

We dont want to start a race ‘flame’ here do we.

Can going into stores to take food when your starving actually be called looting?

The US gave the use of a carrier task force and gave aid in food, water, helicopters, vehicles and troops on the ground. So don’t give me this “they gave the least money” crap. Work out what the use of the carrier taskforce and the direct aid cost the US taxpayer first before complaining that they were slow to open their cheque book. The US was giving out aid on the ground before the UN had even drafted its statement and before it had ensconced its “observers” in their hotels. [/rant][/quote]

I very much have, i was in Bali when it happened on holidays and watched the news for hours on end, germany japan and australia were infact the countries that gave the most money in the first place and usa gave hardly anything, then the usa got accused and IT was only THEN they started to help more and more.

Some people say the airlifting of white people in new orleans instead of blacks is a racial thing, they could be right…
A black man on T.V news was saying how the USA cant even look after its owne country and isnt so great after all.
This has obivously upset all the black generations thoughout america.[/quote]

But the donated money was doing the four-fifths of f*** all good for the first few days. The US could have donated the contents of Fort Knox to whoever and it would have made no difference. In the immediate aftermath, it was US and Australian Naval assets in the area who were able to assist far more than the consultants who were having preliminary meetings about which hotels to have the initial meetings in to form the committee to draft the first press release requesting donations to pay their expenses bills. Money is no substitute for actually helping.

As for the airlift only taking white people, where did you get this from? Even the BBC, which finds every item of news to be a damning indictment of President Bush even if it is about Panda bears giving birth to twins, hasn’t gone that far. I presume Lt-Gen. Honore is part of this white racist conspiracy?

No I’m not trying to, I was just quoting one celebrity’s oppinion on the whole thing :shock: :?