Sure, it's only a scratch ... - Dramatic Photos | Gallery

Sure, it's only a scratch ...

"Collision" between Soviet KV-1 tank and German truck (Auto-Union Horch 108 "heavy cross-country car", as far as I can make out), Russia (Army Group North area) 1941. Result ? KV-1 (possibly) immobilised; truck destroyed almost beyond recognition. The KV-1 may have been a clumsy, slowish vehicle, difficult to deploy, but it was not the sort of thing that most German vehicles of the time (armoured or not) wanted to get in the way of. General Reinhard of 6 Panzer Division remembered seeing a KV-1 roll right over a light panzer stuck in a muddy patch, reducing the light tank to scrap in the process. Best regards, JR.

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Soviet armour was still badly deployed in early OP Barbarossa. I read that the KV-1 performed way better in the Winter War than e.g. the T-100 or the SMK.