Surrendering french soldiers, Maginot Line 1940 - German Forces | Gallery

Surrendering french soldiers, Maginot Line 1940

The crew of a french bunker of the Maginot Line surrenders to german troops in June 1940. The face of the french soldier in the center says it all. The french army was not a well motivated one, no comparisson to their fathers in 1914-1918. The german soldier on the right is wearing cotton bags to stash handgrenades.

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well, germany didnt learn from their success, they had no immediate plan, because they didnt think the conquest of france would be that easy, and instead of employing the hit and move strategy that smashed the maginot line, they started producing slower bigger armor. more like on the russian philosophy.with their numbers not as large, and no mobilty in the cold eastern front,they lost that "blitzkrieg style attack ability