Sweets from American soldiers, 1945 - Homefront | Gallery

Sweets from American soldiers, 1945

According to a German who was a young child during the war, one of the things that the Americans brought with them were foods that had actual smell and taste. After years of ersatz everything, many kids had almost forgotten how real food tasted.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/homefront/20945/sweets-from-american-soldiers-1945

Chewing gum -as an example- was completely unknown in Germany until the Americans arrived, so thank you, America, for 64 years of caries, lol.

To whoever wrote this captation, thank you for saying ‘american soldier’ and not ‘negro soldier’ like so many people here would have. That’s a nice thing about children, they can still see beyond colour, or ‘melanin production rate’ as I call it, and see true kindness no matter what form and shape it comes. Beautiful photo.

Hi Neutral…I think some one may have given you a slanted perception of the people here. “Negro” isn’t a word much used anymore, at least in the States, unless you’re quoting period documents. Ironic, really…many prefer the term “black” – which is exactly what the word “negro” means, taken from Spanish slave traders.