Swine flu & Winnie the Pooh

The Swine Flu thing is way overblown - I think like 30,000+ people die of flu in the US annually…


It’d be struggling to achieve car collision fatality rates on a good, or bad day, if it ever gets going.

Still, the press loves a disaster story, like swine flu, bird flu, and Y2K, none of which have actually done much damage yet.

Wanna guess what the death rate of the internationally devastating post-WWI Spanish flu pandemic was?

It was around 500,000 in the US alone…

Ah, but I asked about death rates, not numbers dead.

The overall death rate was about 2 per cent, at worst, but much less in developed countries then as it will be now.

Which gives everyone at least a 50/1 chance (ignoring specific problems such as age and pre-existing disease), which means we’re all unbackable horses by even half way experienced punters.

I like the picture. Makes me think of my Honors US History teacher.

I dunno about that…

There were whole towns that were virtually emptied, and one of my granduncles died in the plague…

Meanwhile it’s getting worse and worse over here, a lot of folks returning from a vacation in the Mediterranean got it! But at least the vaccine is working (with little side effects).


Wait, it took you HOW long to get that Winnie the Pooh picture? I got it a couple of months back!

That was hilarious. LOL. A lot of people are already positive here in our country. I’m from the Philippines by the way. Each day, hundreds of cases add up.

Eh, I’ve had it. In Estonia. It isn’t much different than a normal flu.