
The swiss altough claiming neutraltity they did send some planes to help the Normandy Invasion. just thought if they did any more.

Another thing is that some people say that Germany didnt invade Switzerland was because a lot of the high ranking German officers had Swiss bank accounts.

I also don’t think it was of any strategic advantace either. Germany could invade southern France by Italy and of course Germany boarders France in the north. Also it was landlocked so no ports to use.

I’ve never seen that claimed before - have you got any references?

IMHO the real reason they didn’t invade is that they looked at the size of the Swiss army (IIRC it’s currently the largest in Europe) and at the terrain they had to fight over and decided that they might very well lose. At best it would be rather a Pyrrhic victory, so they decided to try elsewhere.

Given that the Swiss were known to shoot down aircraft of both sides on incursions into their air space (although they were reportedly more accurate against German aircraft), why would they risk their neutrality by doing something so stupid as actively helping the Allies?

Also given that the Swiss flew the Messerschmitt 109, how exactly would they send these to help the Allies?

What I’m trying to say, politely, is that the suggestion that the Swiss sent aircraft to help the Allies in Normandy is absolute balls.

By sea.

By sea.[/quote]

Switzerland is a landlocked country and it was surrounded by hostile countrys so which port would it use?

By sea.[/quote]

Switzerland is a landlocked country and it was surrounded by hostile countrys so which port would it use?[/quote]



I hardly dare say it !
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Crybaby :wink:

Crybaby :wink:[/quote]

Yeah, I’m just confused.

Crybaby :wink:[/quote]

Oh buggrit then !



Crybaby :wink:[/quote]

Oh buggrit then !



Yeah, I’m still confused. :wink:

The Swiss were not invaded for all manner of reasons.

It is not always known that one of the biggest exports from the Swiss was actually Mercenries!!!

Hands up who thought of Cuckoo clocks or chocolate?

The Popes Vatican Guard were originally Swiss mercenaries and in one battle (when the pope was being attacked) were wiped out to the last man.

From whence the Popes Vatican Guard have always been recruited from the same area.


In recent years it is worth remembering that although the country has a “peacenik” reputation. All men and most women are conscripted, trained and updated all through their lives. Roughly every 3-5 years men are called back for further training.

Their defence capabilites are still strong, with underground shelters, bunkers and pre-planned fire points.

Some good points from a nutty yank trying to take a pop at his own countries defence policy (I think, either that or he is on crack).

Switzerland has not had a war in lots of years because every Swiss is armed, is in the armed services until age 40, and shoots to kill anyone that violates their sovereignty.

They are at all times prepared to defend themselves. And, being such a small country, even Hitler and Stalin and his successors felt that the cost of invasion was not worth the gain.

Since I said in my article “They’ve devised ingenious defenses to demonstrate that, while Switzerland is not unconquerable, the cost of conquest would be intolerable to the conqueror,” I’m not sure what you’re complaining about. As a matter of fact, I lived in Switzerland for six years and am quite familiar with its defense system. But notice that it is focused on defense, not offense — as the U.S. system is.

The Swiss also have no resources except snow, and of course a lot of serious information on bank accounts etc!

A ‘Wah’ is where you say or ask something stupid knowing that someone will attempt to make you look silly by giving you the right answer (for instance, Swiss could have moved something by sea, Switzerland’s landlocked, ‘WAH’).

I have an interesting publication at home produced by the Swiss Army and entitled “BLAUTANNE: Angriffen gegen die Schweiz” - a summary of all the proposed attack plans against Switzerland, including the Second World War and cold war. If I get extremely bored at some point, I may even consider translating some of it for here.

Not only were they going to hard to take, but also bear in mind that the Germans did bank with the swiss. As did many other nations.

You don’t invade the one country that will ensure your economic well being.

I have met Hanspeter Baumann, founder of Pro-Tell and a Swiss fighter pilot from the Second World War. He didn’t say the following to me, but to a friend:

“The Germans did not like it when we shot them down, because we were also flying Messerschmitts!”

I just realised that it is a little over six pages, A4 size, triple columns. Oh yes, and in German.

I could perhaps get it though for anyone that wished to read it in the original German

AFAIK they could keep at home their military weapon, couldn’t they?

Topic moved :arrow:

AFAIK they could keep at home their military weapon, couldn’t they?

Topic moved :arrow:[/quote]

They still do Dani, a selective fire Stgw90 plus ammunition, all issued by the government.

Strangely they very seldom have ‘unwanted visitors’… :slight_smile: