T-34/85 vs Panther

Well i dont know too much about the Panther but i know T-34s. I think that the T-34/85 is a great tank but the Panther is good to. It’s A fairly even match. What do you think?

I think the T-34 was awesome. Cheaply made. Cheap to maintain. And they could go where the German tanks couldn’t go because of their Christie suspension.

If everything were equal in a single T-34 vs. Panther, I would rather be in the Panther (because of better training & offensive armament). But the Russian front was never on equal footing, especially after early 1943. The Germans were on the retreat the whole time getting weaker. And the Russians were turning out T-34’s like there was no tomorrow.

the DOG

In order to respond to T-34/76 in 1942, Germans developed their own Panzerkampfwagen V Panther, which incorporated many features of the Soviet T-34/76 and eventually proved to be a superb tank.

Captured T-34/76 was designated by the Germans as Panzerkampfwagen T-34 747(r). Large number of T-34/76 tanks was captured and pressed into service contrary to few T-34/85 tanks. T-34/76 was more often captured since from 1941 until mid 1943, Germans were still firmly established on the Eastern Front, while T-34/85 appeared on the battlefield in the winter of 1943, when Germans were already retreating westwards after successful Soviet offensives. Germans were always more than happy to employ as many captured examples as they could and many served with various units. T-34/76 employment by German formations was not always temporary but sometimes permanent until the end of the war. First examples of T-34/76 were in service with 1st, 8th and 11th Panzer Division during the summer of 1941. Although it was considered to utilize captured T-34/76 tanks dangerous because many gunners fired on silhouette instead of markings. In order to prevent such mistakes to take place, crews painted large-dimension crosses or even swastikas. It was very common to paint a cross or swastika on top of the turret in order to prevent the Luftwaffe from attacking. Another way to overcome this problem was to use captured T-34/76 in an infantry support role where recognition problems were not that common. T-34/76D (model 1943) tanks with round twin turret hatches were often nicknamed by the Germans as “Mickey Mouse”, because of their appearance when both hatches were open.

The Panther and the Soviet T-34 are considered to be the best tanks of World War II. When in June of 1941, Germany invaded Russia, Panzertruppe encountered KV series and T-34/76 tanks, which were far superior in firepower and armor protection to any Panzer at the time. It was then decided, because of the constant reports from the Eastern Front to design a new more powerful medium tank, which could be quickly put into production. On November 25th of 1941, Adolf Hitler ordered Wa Pruef start work on the new tank. In December of 1941, Wa Pruef ordered Daimler-Benz and MAN (Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nuernberg) to design new 30-ton tank armed with 75mm KwK L/70 gun as a response to the Soviet T-34/76 tank. Rheinmetall-Borsig was in charge of the development of the turret for this new tank. In March of 1942, Daimler-Benz was the first to produce their version of VK3002’s design based on previously rejected VK3001 (direct copy of T-34/76) design from January of 1942. Two versions of VK 3001 with different suspensions were designed by Daimler-Benz - one with spring suspension and other with torsion bar suspension. Daimler-Benz VK3002 design was largely based on T-34/76 and was more like a modified German version of it. MAN finished their design of VK3002 in early Spring of 1942.

Panther’s technical design incorporated many features of the T-34/76, such as wide tracks for better traction and improved cross-country performance, a powerful engine, a hard-hitting long-barrelled 75mm gun, and sloping armor for extra protection. It is important to note that the Panther was the first German-made tank with sloping armor. Although its design was in some ways similar to the T-34/76, the Panther was larger, heavier, and different in many technical aspects. The Panther had large overlapping road wheels and a state-of-the-art suspension system that enabled it to traverse rough terrain at high speed.

i get this information from http://www.achtungpanzer.com/t34.htm

Both are great tanks, but I’m going to veer off topic slightly and say that it’s the tank commander that makes the difference, not the tank itself…

Good point if a t-34 had a shit commander and a panzer 4 had a experienced commander the panzer could verry well win the fight.

Too bad Panthers mostly got their asses kicked and were sent to Northern Frances to repel the flaming coffins (you know what tank I mean :smiley: )

Panther are good tank.

The Panther was a direct response to the Soviet T-34. First encountered on 23 June 1941, the T-34 decisively outclassed the existing Panzer IV and Panzer III. At the insistence of General Heinz Guderian a team was dispatched to Russia to assess the T-34. Among the features of the Russian tank were considered most significant: the sloping armour, which gave much improved shot deflection and also increased the apparent armour thickness against penetration, the wide track and large road wheels which improved stability, and the long, over-hanging gun.


Yes, but they still got their asses kicked :stuck_out_tongue:

Why their asses was kicked . :lol: :lol:

Another influential point is the command and communications, even at the end of the war, most russian tanks still didnt have individual radios. That make a big diffrence when your platoon is buttoned down.

Um outnumbered AND outgunned

If you like T-34’s, check out my posting on the website board. It shows them pulling out a T-34 from a lake. very cool. 8)

I see ,very cool and thers a good pictures. :wink:

i assume your talking about the sherman (overrated peice of crap) :smiley: :twisted:

I honestly think that the Tiger I was much better fighting machine than Panther when engaging russian tanks was the business.

The Panther had a very unreliable transmition and very weak side armor.

While I agree that the Panther had weaker side armour, the Panther was much better than the Tiger 1 from the front, had a much better gun too. I would take the Panther any day.

I would take the Panther any day.

You wont get too far away. :slight_smile:

Altough a very good tank the armor of the Panther is clearly disbalanced, 110 mm front turret and only 45 in the side…crazy.

And also even the several troubles with the early series that participate in “Zitadelle” was solved, some of them continue until the end like the easy overheating of the engine and transmition .

The percentage of available Panthers for combat was always inferior to the Tigers I or Panzer IVs.

Speaking with numerics alone, the Germans were far outnumbered when Barbarossa began in 1941. However, poor tactics, inexperienced tank crews and unit commanders, poor quality ammunition and steel armour all contributed to the high losses of the Russian army of the time.

T-34/85 is more of a match against the Panther. Tank vrs Tank tells you nothing about how experienced the crew is. However, the 85mm gun of the T-34 still has trouble against the Panther front because of the sloped armour but can penetrate the sides and rear from all practical combat ranges. The Panther’s vision devices are far superior (Soviet’s were full of air bubbles so are hard to see through) plus fire control is more advanced. Panther had reliability troubles, not too much dis-similar from early model T-34’s.

T-34 was built with simplicity in mind to aid max production while Panther was far more of a sophisticated and almost “professional” you could say, attempt at a world leading tank.

Panther had really thin armour in an attempt to save weight.

The T34 Vs a Panther. The T34 was a better tank in numbers which was generally the case. The Panther however had better armament and better trained crews, making it the better killer. However not enough panthers were made to overwhelme the soviets. Therefor the T34 would just attacked all german units in massive numbers with so many mor ein production. Soviet tank production was so high the germans could not keep up and were just overwhelmed by T34’s.

i fink the tiger is gud cos it has lots of machineguns and a flame thrower but, but i’d have the T-34 cos it seriously outclassed the krauts tanks!!