T-34 BEUTEPANZER RECOVERED IN ESTONIA - Modern/Post-War Photos | Gallery


In September 2000 a truly remarkable recovery took place near Johvi in north-eastern Estonia when a complete and practically intact Soviet T-34/76 tank was pulled from the bottom of a lake where it had lain for 56 years. The latest news about T-34. Have successfully started the diesel engine not replacing any spare part. Have replaced only bearings on skating rolls.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/modern/28140/t-34-beutepanzer-recovered-in-estonia

The engine still working… that’s impressive.

Remarkable indeed. I came across an account somewhere (not sure where - it was a while back) of a German force that thought its rear was secured by a swamp suffering a surprise attack from a force of T-34s. What happened, apparently, was that the Soviets sealed up their hatches and air intakes and drove, more or less fully submerged, the relatively short distance across the bed of the swamp, straight into the German rear. This action was said to have taken place in the course of the Orel offensive in 1943. Given the general toughness of the T-34, I can well believe this. In any event, it would appear that Soviet tanks of this period were good with water … Thanks, JR.