Takeo Imai - Japanese Forces | Gallery

Takeo Imai

Takeo Imai was a colonel of the 141st Infantry Regiment of the Japanese army 48th Division, worked as a diplomat in china in 1936 and participated in the invasion of the phillipines in 1942, in bataan he received a call from Lt. Col. Umeichi Matsunaga saying orders from the Army General Staff via Tsuji to shoot all the prisoners he had under his control, he refused to obey the order, he was not subjected to the japanese military dogma that viewed prisoners of war as dishonourable inferiors and ordened the released of all prisoners, later Imai negotiated the Japanese surrender in China in 1945. he ended the war with his reputation intact.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/japanese-forces/27271/takeo-imai

Certainly proof that there were truly Officers and Gentlemen in the Japanese Military.

Instead of a inventory of taken lives one would have to wonder just how many individuals lived as the result of this one Officers efforts.

Truly and HONORABLE warrior and opponent.

Amen to that, Friendly. "Deo Vindice" texag57